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ه ج ر
General Root Meaning
to leave/abandon/desert/forsake/depart/renounce/quit, separate oneself from, break with, abstain from, shun, leave with body or tongue or heart, leave lust and bad manners.
hijr - bad manner, shameful action, nonsense talk.
l-muhājirīna   (2)

For the poor emigrants, those who were expelled from their homes and their properties, seeking bounty from Allah and pleasure and helping Allah and His Messenger. Those, they (are) the truthful.

And the forerunners, the first among the emigrants and the helpers and those who followed them in righteousness, is pleased Allah with them, and they are pleased with Him. And He has prepared for them Gardens flows underneath it the rivers, will abide in it forever. That (is) the success the great.

tahjurūna   (1)

(Being) arrogant about it, conversing by night, speaking evil."

fa-uh'jur   (1)

And uncleanliness avoid,

fatuhājirū   (1)

Indeed, those whom - take them (in death) the Angels (while) they (were) wronging themselves they say, "In what (condition) were you?" They said, "We were oppressed in the Earth They said, "Not was (the) earth (of) Allah spacious (enough) so that you (could) emigrate in it?" Then those (will have) their abode (in) Hell - and it is an evil destination.

muhājirun   (1)

And believed [in] him Lut, and he said, "Indeed I (am) emigrating to my Lord. Indeed, He [He] (is) the All-Mighty, the All-Wise."

muhājiran   (1)

And whoever emigrates in (the) way (of) Allah, will find in the earth place(s) of refuge - many, and abundance. And whoever leaves from his home (as) an emigrant to Allah and His Messenger, then overtakes him [the] death, then certainly (became) incumbent his reward on Allah. And is Allah Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

muhājirātin   (1)

O you who believe! When come to you the believing women (as) emigrants, then examine them. Allah (is) most knowing of their faith. And if you know them (to be) believers, then (do) not return them to the disbelievers. Not they (are) lawful for them and not they are lawful for them. But give them what they have spent. And not any blame upon you if you marry them when you have given them their (bridal) dues. And (do) not hold to marriage bonds (with) disbelieving women, but ask (for) what you have spent, and let them ask what they have spent. That (is the) Judgment (of) Allah. He judges between you. And Allah (is) All-Knowing, All-Wise.

mahjūran   (1)

And said the Messenger, "O my Lord! Indeed, my people took this the Quran (as) a forsaken thing."

hājara   (1)

And those who settled (in) the home and (accepted) faith from before them love (those) who emigrated to them, and not they find in their breasts any want of what they were given but prefer over themselves, even though was with them poverty. And whoever is saved (from) stinginess (of) his soul, then those [they] (are) the successful ones.

hājarna   (1)

O Prophet! Indeed, We [We] have made lawful to you your wives (to) whom you have given their bridal money and whom you possess rightfully from those (whom) has given Allah to you, and (the) daughters (of) your paternal uncles and (the) daughters (of) your paternal aunts and (the) daughters (of) your maternal uncles and (the) daughters (of) your maternal aunts who emigrated with you, and a woman believing if she gives herself to the Prophet if wishes the Prophet to marry her - only for you, from excluding the believers. Certainly, We know what We have made obligatory upon them concerning their wives and whom they possess rightfully, that not should be on you any discomfort. And is Allah Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful

hājarū   (1)

Indeed, those who believed and those who emigrated and strove in (the) way (of) Allah - those, they hope (for) Mercy (of) Allah. And Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Then responded to them their Lord, "Indeed, I (will) not (let go) waste deeds (of the) doer among you [from] (whether) male or female each of you from (the) other. So those who emigrated and were driven out from their homes, and were harmed in My way and fought and were killed - surely I (will) remove from them their evil deeds and surely I will admit them (to) Gardens flowing from underneath them the rivers - a reward from [near] Allah. And Allah - with Him (is the) best reward."

And those who emigrated in (the way) (of) Allah from after [what] they were wronged, surely We will give them posit in the world good, but surely the reward (of) the Hereafter (is) greater, if they know.

Then indeed, your Lord, to those who emigrated from after what they had been put to trials then strove hard and were patient. Indeed, your Lord, from after it, surely is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

And those who emigrated in (the) way (of) Allah then were killed or died, surely, will provide them Allah a provision good. And indeed Allah, surely, He (is the) Best (of) the Providers.

hajran   (1)

And be patient over what they say, and avoid them, an avoidance gracious.

wal-muhājirīna   (1)

Verily, turned (in mercy) Allah to the Prophet, and the emigrants, and the helpers [those] who followed him, in (the) hour (of) difficulty from after [what] had nearly deviated (the) hearts (of) a party of them, then He turned (in mercy) to them. Indeed, He to them (is) Most Kind, Most Merciful.

And not let swear those of virtue among you and the amplitude of means that they give (to) the near of kin, and the needy and the emigrants in (the) way (of) Allah. And let them pardon and let them overlook. (Do) not you like that should forgive Allah you? And Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

The Prophet (is) closer to the believers than their own selves, and his wives (are) their mothers. And possessors (of) relationships, some of them (are) closer to another in (the) Decree (of) Allah than the believers and the emigrants, except that you do to your friends a kindness. (It) is that in the Book written.

wa-uh'jur'nī   (1)

He said, "Why abandoning yourself (from) my gods, O Ibrahim? Surely, if not you desist surely, I will stone you, so leave me (for) a prolonged time."

wa-uh'jur'hum   (1)

And be patient over what they say, and avoid them, an avoidance gracious.

wa-uh'jurūhunna   (1)

[The] men (are) protectors of the women because (has) bestowed Allah some of them over others and because they spend from their wealth. So the righteous women (are) obedient, guarding in the unseen that which (orders) them to guard (by) Allah. And those (from) whom you fear their ill-conduct then advise them, and forsake them in the bed and [finally] strike them. Then if they obey you then (do) not seek against them a way. Indeed, Allah is Most High, Most Great.

wahājarū   (1)

Indeed, those who believed and emigrated and strove hard with their wealth and their lives in (the) way (of) Allah and those who gave shelter and helped those - some of them (are) allies (of) another. But those who believed and (did) not emigrate, (it is) not for you from their protection (in) anything, until they emigrate. And if they seek your help in the religion, then upon you (is to) help them except against a people between you and between them (is) a treaty. And Allah of what you do (is) All-Seer.

And those who believed and emigrated and strove hard in (the) way (of) Allah and those who gave shelter and helped, those - they (are) the believers (in) truth. For them (is) forgiveness and a provision noble.

And those who believed from afterwards, and emigrated and strove hard with you, then those (are) of you. But those (of) the blood relationship, some of them (are) nearer to another in (the) Book (of) Allah. Indeed, Allah of every thing (is) All-Knower.

Those who believed and emigrated and strove in (the) way (of) Allah with their wealth and their lives (are) greater (in) rank near Allah. And those - they (are) the successful.

yuhājir   (1)

And whoever emigrates in (the) way (of) Allah, will find in the earth place(s) of refuge - many, and abundance. And whoever leaves from his home (as) an emigrant to Allah and His Messenger, then overtakes him [the] death, then certainly (became) incumbent his reward on Allah. And is Allah Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

yuhājirū   (2)

Indeed, those who believed and emigrated and strove hard with their wealth and their lives in (the) way (of) Allah and those who gave shelter and helped those - some of them (are) allies (of) another. But those who believed and (did) not emigrate, (it is) not for you from their protection (in) anything, until they emigrate. And if they seek your help in the religion, then upon you (is to) help them except against a people between you and between them (is) a treaty. And Allah of what you do (is) All-Seer.

They wish if you disbelieve as they disbelieved and you would be alike. So (do) not take from them allies until they emigrate in (the) way (of) Allah. But if they turn back, seize them and kill them wherever you find them. And (do) not take from them any ally and not any helper,

Indeed, those who believed and emigrated and strove hard with their wealth and their lives in (the) way (of) Allah and those who gave shelter and helped those - some of them (are) allies (of) another. But those who believed and (did) not emigrate, (it is) not for you from their protection (in) anything, until they emigrate. And if they seek your help in the religion, then upon you (is to) help them except against a people between you and between them (is) a treaty. And Allah of what you do (is) All-Seer.

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