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ع د ل
General Root Meaning
to act and deal justly, equitably, with fairness and proportion, adjust properly as to relative magnitude, establish justice, hold as equal, pay as an aquivalent, dispose aright, straighten, deviate from the right path, turn aside, stray from. adlun - justice, equity, accuracy, recompense, ransom, equivalent, compensation, instead (thereof).
'Adala (prf. 3rd. f. sing.): proportioned, endowed with great natural powers and faculties.
Ta'dil (imp. 3rd. f. sing. juss.): It makes equal, offers every compensation.
Li'Adila (imp. 1st p. sing. el.): That I may act justly, dojustice.
Ya'diluuna (imp. 3rd. m. plu.): They make equality, ascribe equals, dispense justice (7:159).
Ta`diluu (imp. 2nd.p.m. plu. final Nun dropped): You act justly.
'Adlun (v.n.): Compensation; Justice; Equivalent.
I'diluu (prt. m. plu.): Act justly.
iʿ'dilū   (1)

O you who believe! Be steadfast for Allah (as) witnesses in justice, and not let prevent you hatred (of) a people [upon] that not you do justice. Be just it (is) nearer to [the] piety. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah (is) All-Aware of what you do.

bil-ʿadli   (4)

And sets forth Allah an example (of) two men, one of them (is) dumb, not he has power on anything, while he (is) a burden on his master. Wherever he directs him not he comes with any good. Is equal he and (the one) who commands [of] justice, and he (is) on a path straight?

O you who believe[d]! When you contract with one another any debt for a term fixed then write it. And let write between you a scribe in justice. And not (should) refuse a scribe that he writes as (has) taught him Allah. So let him write and let dictate the one on whom (is) the right and let him fear Allah, his Lord, and (let him) not diminish from it anything. Then if is the one on him (is) the right, (of) limited understanding, or weak, or not capable that (can) dictate he, then let dictate his guardian with justice. And call for evidence two witnesses among your men. And if not there are two men then one man and two women of whom you agree of [the] witnesses, (so) that (if) [she] errs, one of the two, then will remind one of the two the other. And not (should) refuse the witnesses when that they are called. And not (be) weary that you write it - small or large for its term. That (is) more just near Allah, and more upright for evidence and nearer that not you (have) doubt, except that be a transaction present, you carry out among you, then not on you any sin that not you write it. And take witness when you make commercial transactio And not (should) be harmed (the) scribe and not (the) witness, and if you do, then indeed it (is) sinful conduct for you, and fear Allah. And teaches Allah. And Allah of every thing (is) All-Knower.

Indeed, Allah commands justice and the good, and giving (to) the relatives, and forbids [from] the immorality and the bad and the oppression. He admonishes you so that you may take heed.

O you who believe[d]! When you contract with one another any debt for a term fixed then write it. And let write between you a scribe in justice. And not (should) refuse a scribe that he writes as (has) taught him Allah. So let him write and let dictate the one on whom (is) the right and let him fear Allah, his Lord, and (let him) not diminish from it anything. Then if is the one on him (is) the right, (of) limited understanding, or weak, or not capable that (can) dictate he, then let dictate his guardian with justice. And call for evidence two witnesses among your men. And if not there are two men then one man and two women of whom you agree of [the] witnesses, (so) that (if) [she] errs, one of the two, then will remind one of the two the other. And not (should) refuse the witnesses when that they are called. And not (be) weary that you write it - small or large for its term. That (is) more just near Allah, and more upright for evidence and nearer that not you (have) doubt, except that be a transaction present, you carry out among you, then not on you any sin that not you write it. And take witness when you make commercial transactio And not (should) be harmed (the) scribe and not (the) witness, and if you do, then indeed it (is) sinful conduct for you, and fear Allah. And teaches Allah. And Allah of every thing (is) All-Knower.

Indeed, Allah orders you to render the trusts to their owners, and when you judge between the people to judge with justice. Indeed, Allah excellently advises you with it. Indeed, Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.

And if two parties among the believers fight, then make peace between both of them. But if oppresses one of them on the other, then fight one which oppresses until it returns to (the) command (of) Allah. Then if it returns, then make peace between them with justice, and act justly. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly.

taʿdil   (1)

And leave those who take their religion (as) a play and amusement and deluded them the life (of) the world. But remind with it, lest is given up to destruction a soul for what it (has) earned, not (is) for it from besides Allah any protector and not any intercessor. And if it offers ransom - every ransom, not will it be taken from it. Those (are) ones who are given to destruction for what they earned. For them (will be) a drink of boiling water and a punishment painful because they used to disbelieve.

taʿdilū   (4)

And never will you be able to deal justly between [the] women even if you desired, but (do) not incline (with) all the inclination and leave her (the other) like the suspended one. And if you reconcile and fear (Allah) then indeed, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

And if you fear that not you will be able to do justice with the orphans, then marry what seems suitable to you from the women two, or three, or four. But if you fear that not you can do justice then (marry) one or what possesses your right hand. That (is) more appropriate that (may) not you oppress.

O you who believe[d]! Be custodians of justice (as) witnesses to Allah, even if (it is) against yourselves or the parents and the relatives. if he be rich or poor, for Allah (is) nearer to both of them. So (do) not follow the desire lest you deviate. And if you distort or refrain, then indeed, Allah is of what you do All-Aware.

O you who believe! Be steadfast for Allah (as) witnesses in justice, and not let prevent you hatred (of) a people [upon] that not you do justice. Be just it (is) nearer to [the] piety. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah (is) All-Aware of what you do.

ʿadlun   (2)

And fear a day, (will) not avail any soul for (another) soul anything, and not will be accepted from it any intercession, and not will be taken from it a compensation, and not they will be helped.

And fear a day not will avail a soul (of) (another) soul anything and not will be accepted from it any compensation, and not will benefit it any intercession, and not they will be helped.

ʿadlin   (2)

O you who believe! (Do) not kill the game while you (are in) Ihram. And whoever killed it among you intentionally, then penalty (is) similar (to) what he killed of the cattle, judging it two men, just, among you (as) an offering reaching the Kabah or an expiation - feeding needy people or equivalent (of) that (in) fasting, that he may taste (the) consequence (of) his deed. pardoned Allah what (has) passed, but whoever returned, then will take retribution Allah from him. And Allah (is) All-Mighty, Owner (of) Retribution.

O you who believe! (Take) testimony among you when approaches one of you [the] death, (at the) time (of making) [the] a will two men, just, among you, or two others from other than you if you (are) travel(ing) in the earth then befalls you calamity (of) [the] death. Detain both of them from after the prayer and let them both swear by Allah if you doubt, "Not we will exchange it for a price even if he is (of) a near relative, and not we will conceal testimony (of) Allah. Indeed, we then (will) surely (be) of the sinners."

Then when they have reached their term, then retain them with kindness or part with them with kindness. And take witness two men just among you and establish the testimony for Allah. That is instructed, with it, whoever [is] believes in Allah and the Day the Last. And whoever fears Allah, He will make for him a way out,

And leave those who take their religion (as) a play and amusement and deluded them the life (of) the world. But remind with it, lest is given up to destruction a soul for what it (has) earned, not (is) for it from besides Allah any protector and not any intercessor. And if it offers ransom - every ransom, not will it be taken from it. Those (are) ones who are given to destruction for what they earned. For them (will be) a drink of boiling water and a punishment painful because they used to disbelieve.

ʿadlu   (1)

O you who believe! (Do) not kill the game while you (are in) Ihram. And whoever killed it among you intentionally, then penalty (is) similar (to) what he killed of the cattle, judging it two men, just, among you (as) an offering reaching the Kabah or an expiation - feeding needy people or equivalent (of) that (in) fasting, that he may taste (the) consequence (of) his deed. pardoned Allah what (has) passed, but whoever returned, then will take retribution Allah from him. And Allah (is) All-Mighty, Owner (of) Retribution.

fa-iʿ'dilū   (1)

And (do) not go near wealth (of) the orphans except with that which (is) best until he reaches his maturity. And give full [the] measure and the weight with justice. Not We burden any soul except (to) its capacity. And when you speak then be just even if he is (one of) a near relative. And (the) Covenant (of) Allah fulfil. That (He) has enjoined on you with it so that you may remember.

faʿadalaka   (1)

Who created you, then fashioned you then balanced you?

li-aʿdila   (1)

So to that then invite, and stand firm as you are commanded and (do) not follow their desires, but say, "I believe in what has sent down Allah of (the) Book, and I am commanded that I do justice between you. Allah (is) our Lord and your Lord. For us our deeds and for you your deeds. (There is) no argument between us and between you. Allah will assemble [between] us, and to Him (is) the final return."

waʿadlan   (1)

And (has been) fulfilled (the) word (of) your Lord (in) truth and justice. No one can change His words, and He (is) the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.

yaʿdilūna   (5)

(All) the praises and thanks (be) to Allah, the One Who created the heavens and the earth and made the darkness[es] and the light. Then those who disbelieved in their Lord equate others with Him.

And among (the) people (of) Musa (is) a community (which) guides with truth and by it establishes justice.

Say, "Bring forward your witnesses, those who testify that Allah prohibited this." Then if they testify then (do) not testify with them. And (do) not follow (the) desires (of) those who denied Our Signs and those who (do) not believe in the Hereafter, while they with their Lord set up equals.

And of (those) whom We have created (is) a nation, who guides with the truth and thereby they establish justice.

Or Who has created the heavens and the earth and sent down for you from the sky water? And We caused to grow thereby gardens of beauty (and delight), not it is for you that you cause to grow their trees. Is there any god with Allah? Nay, they (are) a people who ascribe equals.

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