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ع ق ب
General Root Meaning
to succeed, take the place of, come after, strike on the heel, come at the heel, follow anyone closely. aqqaba - to endeavour repeatedly, return, punish, requitt, retrace one's step. aqab - to die, leave offsprings, give in exchange. aqabatun - place hard to ascent. uqbun - success. ta'aqqaba - to take careful information, shout, follow step by step. aqub - heel, son, grandson, offspring, pivot, axis. uqba - requital, result, reward, end, success. iqab (pl. aqubat) - punishment after sin, one who puts off or reverses, who looks at the consequence or result of the affair. mu'aqqibat - who succeed each other, some thing that comes immediately after another thing or succeeds another thing without interruption. It is a double plural feminine of mu'aqqib. The plural feminine form indicates the frequency of the deeds, since in Arabic the feminine form is sometimes employed to impart emphasis and frequency.
Yu'aqqib (imp. 3rd. f. sing. juss. vb. II): Look back.
'Aqaba (prf. 3rd. m. sing. vb. III.): He retaliated.
'Aaqabtum (prf. 2nd. m. sing. vb. II): You punished.
'Aqibuu (prt. m. sing. vb. III.) You punish.
A'qaba (perf. 3rd. m. sing. vb. IV.): Caused to follow.
'Uqiba (pp. 3rd. m. sing. vb. III): He was punished; was made to suffer.
'Uqibtum (3rd. m. plu. vb. II ): You have been persecuted.
A'qaba (prf. 3rd. m. sing. vb. IV): He has punished.
'Uqbun / 'Uqban (acc./n.): Result; Final end.
'Aqibun (n.):Posterior; Heel.
'Aqibai (n. dual): Two heels.
A'qaab (n. plu.): Heels.
Iqaabun (v. n.): Retribution (chastisement) that comes as a result of consequences of sins.
'Aqabatu (n.): Steep and difficult ascent; Mountain road; Road in the upper part of a mountain or a long mountain that lies across the way; Difficult affair and path of duty.
'Uqbaa (n.): Ending. It is with final Yaa, but if added to a pronoun the final Yaa turns to Alif as 'Uqbahaa (here an Alif before Haa).
'Aqibatun (act. pic. f. sing.): End.
Al-Aaqibatu: The happy and good end.
Mu'aqqibun (ap-der. vb. II): Who can reverse.
Mu'aqqibaat (plu.): Those who join their duties in succession; Successively ranged.
aʿqābikum   (1)

And not (is) Muhammad - except a Messenger, certainly passed away from before him [the] (other) Messengers. So if he died or is slain will you turn back on your heels? And whoever turns back on his heels then never will he harm Allah (in) anything. And will reward Allah the grateful ones.

O you who believe! If you obey those who disbelieve, they will turn you back on your heels, then you will turn back (as) losers.

Verily, were My Verses recited to you, but you used (to) on your heels turn back

aʿqābinā   (1)

Say, "Shall we call from besides Allah what not benefits us and not harms us, and we turn back on our heels after [when] has guided us Allah? Like the one whom has enticed the Shaitaan in the earth, confused, he has companions who call him towards the guidance, 'Come to us.'" Say, "Indeed, (the) Guidance (of) Allah, it (is) the Guidance, and we have been commanded that we submit to (the) Lord (of) the worlds

l-ʿāqibata   (1)

This (is) from the news (of) the unseen, (which) We reveal to you. Not you were knowing it, you and not your people from before this. So be patient; indeed, the end (is) for the God fearing."

l-ʿiqābi   (9)

Like behavior (of the) people (of) Firaun and those who (were) from before them. They denied Our Signs, so seized them Allah for their sins. And Allah (is) severe (in) [the] punishment.

O you who believe! (Do) not violate (the) rites (of) Allah, and not the month sacred and not the sacrificial animals and not the garlanded and not (those) coming (to) the House Sacred seeking Bounty of their Lord and good pleasure. And when you come out of Ihram then (you may) hunt. And not let incite you (the) hatred (for) a people as they stopped you from Al-Masjid Al-Haraam that you commit transgression. And help one another in [the] righteousness and [the] piety, but (do) not help one another in [the] sin and [the] transgression. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah (is) severe (in) [the] punishment.

That (is) because [they] they opposed Allah and His Messenger. And whoever opposes Allah then indeed, Allah (is) severe (in) penalty.

What restored Allah to His Messenger from (the) people (of) the towns, (it is) for Allah and His Messenger and for the kindred and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer, that not it becomes a (perpetual) circulation between the rich among you. And whatever gives you the Messenger, take it and whatever he forbids you from it, refrain. And fear Allah. Indeed, Allah (is) severe (in) penalty.

Know that Allah (is) severe (in) punishment and that Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

That (was) because [they] used to come to them their Messengers with clear proofs but they disbelieved, So seized them Allah. Indeed, He (is) All-Strong, severe (in) punishment.

And complete the Hajj and the Umrah for Allah. And if you are held back then (offer) whatever (can be) obtained with ease of the sacrificial animal. And (do) not shave your heads until reaches the sacrificial animal (to) its destination. Then whoever is among you ill or he (has) an ailment of his head then a ransom of fasting or charity or sacrifice. Then when you are secure then whoever took advantage of the Umrah followed (by) the Hajj, then (offer) whatever (can be) obtained with ease of the sacrificial animal. But whoever (can) not find - then a fast (of) three days during the Hajj and seven (days) when you return. This (is) ten (days) in all. That (is) for (the one) whose, not is his family present (near) Al-Masjid Al-Haraam. And fear Allah and know that Allah (is) severe (in) retribution.

And fear a trial not which will afflict those who do wrong among you exclusively. And know that Allah (is) severe (in) the penalty.

And when made fair-seeming to them the Shaitaan their deeds and he said, "No (one) (can) overcome [to] you today from the people and indeed, I am a neighbor for you." But when came in sight the two forces he turned away on his heels and said, "Indeed, I am free of you. Indeed, I see what not (do) you see, indeed, I [I] fear Allah. And Allah (is) severe (in) the penalty."

Like (the) way (of) people Firaun and those who (were) from before them. They disbelieved in (the) Signs (of) Allah, so seized them Allah for their sins. Indeed, Allah (is) All-Strong (and) severe (in) the penalty.

And they ask you to hasten the evil before the good and verily has occurred from before them [the] similar punishments. And indeed, your Lord (is) Full (of) Forgiveness for mankind for their wrongdoing, and indeed, your Lord (is) severe (in) the penalty.

And He (is) the One Who (has) made you successors (of) the earth and raised some of you above others (in) ranks, so that He may test you in what He has given you. Indeed, your Lord (is) swift (in) the punishment, and indeed, He (is) [certainly], Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

(The) Forgiver (of) the sin, and (the) Acceptor (of) [the] repentance, severe (in) the punishment, Owner (of) the abundance. (There is) no god except Him; to Him, (is) the final return.

And when declared your Lord that He would surely send upon them till (the) Day (of) the Resurrection (those) who would afflict them (with) a grievous [the] punishment. Indeed, your Lord (is) surely swift (in) the retribution, but indeed, He (is) surely Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Ask (the) Children (of) Israel, how many We gave them of (the) Sign(s) clear. And whoever changes Favor (of) Allah from after [what] it (has) come to him - then indeed, Allah (is) severe in [the] chastising.

That (is) because they opposed Allah and His Messenger. And whoever opposes Allah and His Messenger, then indeed, Allah (is) severe in [the] penalty.

l-ʿaqabata   (1)

But not he has attempted the steep path.

l-ʿaqabatu   (1)

And what can make you know what the steep path (is)?

ʿāqaba   (1)

That, and whoever has retaliated, with the like (of) that he was made to suffer by it, then he was oppressed [on him], will surely help him Allah Indeed, Allah (is) surely Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving.

ʿāqibata   (1)

Then was (the) end (of) those who did evil - the evil, because they denied (the) Signs (of) Allah and were of them making mockery.

ʿāqibatu   (5)

Say, "O my people! Work on your position. Indeed, I am a worker. And soon you will know who will have for himself (in) the end (a good) home. Indeed [he], (will) not succeed the wrongdoers."

Those who, if We establish them in the land they establish the prayer they give the zakah and they enjoin the right and forbid from the wrong. And for Allah (is the) end (of) the matters.

And whoever submits his face to Allah while he (is) a good-doer, then indeed, he has grasped the handhold the most trustworthy. And to Allah (is the) end (of) the matters.

Verily passed from before you situations, then travel in the earth and see how was (the) end (of) the deniers.

Say, "Travel in the earth and see how was (the) end (of) the rejecters."

And We showered upon them a rain. So see how was (the) end (of) the criminals.

And (do) not sit on every path threatening and hindering from (the) way (of) Allah (those) who believe in Him, and seeking (to make) it crooked. And remember when you were few and He increased you. And see how was (the) end (of) the corrupters.

Then We sent from after them Musa with Our Signs to Firaun and his chiefs, But they were unjust to them. So see how was (the) end (of) the corrupters.

Nay, they denied what not they could encompass (of) its knowledge and not has come (to) them its interpretation. Thus denied those from before them, then see how was (the) end (of) the wrongdoers.

But they denied him, so We saved him and (those) who (were) with him in the ship, and We made them successors, and We drowned those who denied Our Signs. Then see how was (the) end (of) those who were warned.

And not We sent from before you, but men We revealed to them from (among) (the) people (of) the townships. So have not they traveled in the earth and seen how was (the) end (of) those who (were) from before them? And surely the home (of) the Hereafter (is) best for those who fear Allah. Then will not you use reason?

And they rejected them, though were convinced with the themselves, (out of) injustice and haughtiness. So see how was (the) end (of) the corrupters.

Then see how was (the) end (of) their plot, that We destroyed them and their people all.

Say, "Travel in the land, and see how was (the) end (of) the criminals."

So We seized him and his hosts, and We threw them in the sea. So see how was (the) end (of) the wrongdoers.

Have not they traveled in the earth and observed how was (the) end (of) those from before them? They were mightier than them (in) strength, and they dug the earth and built (on) it more than what they have built (on) it. And came (to) them their Messengers with clear proofs. So not was Allah to wrong them but they were themselves (doing) wrong.

Say, "Travel in the earth and see how was (the) end (of) those who (were) from before. Of them most were polytheists."

Have they not traveled in the land and seen how was (the) end (of) those who (were) from before them? And they were stronger than them (in) power. But not is Allah that can escape (from) Him any thing in the heavens and not in the earth. Indeed, He is All-Knower, All-Powerful.

Then see how was (the) end (of) those who were warned,

Do not they travel in the earth and see how was (the) end (of) those who were before them? from They were [they] superior to them (in) strength and (in) impressions in the land, but seized them Allah for their sins, and not was for them against Allah any protector.

Do they not travel through the land and see how was (the) end (of) those who (were) from before them? They were more numerous than them and mightier (in) strength and impressions in the land, but not availed them what they used to earn.

So We took retribution from them. Then see how was (the) end (of) the deniers.

Do not they travel in the earth and see how was (the) end (of) those from before them? destroyed Allah [over] them, and for the disbelievers its likeness.

So it tasted (the bad) consequence (of) its affair, and was (the) end (of) its affair loss.

And said Musa, "My Lord knows best of who has come with [the] guidance from Him and who - will be for him in the Hereafter the good end Indeed, not will be successful the wrongdoers."

And certainly, We sent into every nation a Messenger, that, "Worship Allah, and avoid the false deities." Then among them (were some) whom guided, Allah and among them (were) some was justified on them the straying. So travel in the earth and see how was the end (of) the deniers.

ʿāqabtum   (1)

And if you retaliate, then retaliate with the like of what you were afflicted with [it]. But if you are patient, surely (it) is better for those who are patient.

ʿāqibatahumā   (1)

So will be (the) end of both of them, that they (will be) in the Fire abiding forever therein. And that (is the) recompense (of) the wrongdoers.

ʿiqābin   (1)

Not is said to you except what indeed was said to the Messengers from before you. Indeed, your Lord (is) Possessor (of) forgiveness, and Possessor (of) penalty painful.

ʿiqābi   (1)

And certainly, were mocked Messengers from before you, but I granted respite to those who disbelieved; then I seized them, and how was My penalty.

Not all (of them) but denied the Messengers, so (was) just My penalty.

Denied before them (the) people (of) Nuh and the factions from after them, and plotted every nation against their Messenger, to seize him, and they disputed by falsehood to refute thereby the truth. So I seized them. Then how was My penalty?

ʿuq'ban   (1)

There, the protection (is) from Allah the True. He (is the) best (to) reward and (the) best (for) the final end.

ʿuq'bāhā   (1)

And not He fears its consequences.

ʿaqibihi   (1)

And he made it a word lasting among his descendents, so that they may return.

ʿuq'bā   (3)

The example of Paradise which (is) promised (to) the righteous, flows from underneath it the rivers. Its food (is) everlasting, and its shade. This (is the) end of those who (are) righteous, and (the) end (of) the disbelievers (is) the Fire.

And certainly plotted those who (were) from before them, but for Allah (is) the plot all. He knows what earns every soul, and will know the disbelievers for whom (is) the final the home.

And those who (are) patient, seeking (the) Face (of) their Lord and establish the prayer and spend from what We have provided them, secretly and publicly and they repel with the good the evil - those for them (is) the final attainment (of) the Home -

(Saying), "Peace (be) upon you for what you patiently endured. And excellent (is) the final attainment (of) the Home."

ʿaqibayhi   (1)

And thus We made you a community (of the) middle way so that you will be witnesses over the mankind, and will be the Messenger on you a witness. And not We made the direction of prayer which you were used to [on it] except that We make evident (he) who follows the Messenger from (he) who turns back on his heels. And indeed, it was certainly a great (test) except for those whom guided (by) Allah. And not will Allah let go waste your faith. Indeed, Allah (is) to [the] mankind Full of Kindness, Most Merciful.

And not (is) Muhammad - except a Messenger, certainly passed away from before him [the] (other) Messengers. So if he died or is slain will you turn back on your heels? And whoever turns back on his heels then never will he harm Allah (in) anything. And will reward Allah the grateful ones.

And when made fair-seeming to them the Shaitaan their deeds and he said, "No (one) (can) overcome [to] you today from the people and indeed, I am a neighbor for you." But when came in sight the two forces he turned away on his heels and said, "Indeed, I am free of you. Indeed, I see what not (do) you see, indeed, I [I] fear Allah. And Allah (is) severe (in) the penalty."

ʿūqiba   (1)

That, and whoever has retaliated, with the like (of) that he was made to suffer by it, then he was oppressed [on him], will surely help him Allah Indeed, Allah (is) surely Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving.

ʿūqib'tum   (1)

And if you retaliate, then retaliate with the like of what you were afflicted with [it]. But if you are patient, surely (it) is better for those who are patient.

fa-aʿqabahum   (1)

So He penalized them (with) hypocrisy in their hearts until the day when they will meet Him, because they broke (the covenant with) Allah what they had promised Him, and because they used to lie.

faʿāqabtum   (1)

And if have gone from you any of your wives to the disbelievers then your turn comes, then give (to) those who have gone, their wives, (the) like (of) what they had spent. And fear Allah (in) Whom, you, [in Him] (are) believers.

faʿāqibū   (1)

And if you retaliate, then retaliate with the like of what you were afflicted with [it]. But if you are patient, surely (it) is better for those who are patient.

muʿaqqiba   (1)

Did not they see that We come (to) the land, reducing it from its borders? And Allah judges; (there is) no adjuster (of) His Judgment. And He (is) Swift (in) the reckoning.

muʿaqqibātun   (1)

For him (are) successive (Angels) from (from) between his hands and from behind him, who guard him by (the) Command (of) Allah. Indeed, Allah (does) not change (that) the condition of a people, until they change what (is) in themselves. And when wills Allah for a people misfortune, then (there is) no turning away of it, and not for them from besides Him any protector.

wal-ʿāqibatu   (3)

said Musa to his people, "Seek help from Allah and be patient. Indeed, the earth (belongs) to Allah. He causes to inherit it whom He wills of His servants. And the end (is) for the righteous."

That the Home (of) the Hereafter We assign it to those who (do) not desire exaltedness in the earth and not corruption. And the good end (is) for the righteous.

And enjoin (on) your family the prayer and be steadfast therein. Not We ask you (for) provision; We provide (for) you, and the outcome (is) for the righteous[ness].

waʿuq'bā   (1)

The example of Paradise which (is) promised (to) the righteous, flows from underneath it the rivers. Its food (is) everlasting, and its shade. This (is the) end of those who (are) righteous, and (the) end (of) the disbelievers (is) the Fire.

yuʿaqqib   (2)

And, "Throw your staff." But when he saw it moving as if it (were) a snake he turned back (in) flight and (did) not look back. "O Musa! (Do) not fear. Indeed, [I] (do) not fear (in) My presence the Messengers.

And [that] throw your staff." But when he saw it moving as if it (were) a snake he turned (in) flight and (did) not return. "O Musa! Draw near and (do) not fear. Indeed, you (are) of the secure.

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