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ح م ى
General Root Meaning
To protect/prohibit/guard/defend against encroachment/attack. A thing prohibited, prohibit a thing. Vehement/angry, it was/became hot (e.g. day, oven), disdain/scorn/indignation/jealousy/anger, to be ashamed, refuse to bear/endure/tolerate wrongful treatment.
l-ḥamiyata   (1)

When had put those who disbelieved in their hearts disdain - (the) disdain (of) the time of ignorance. Then sent down Allah His tranquility upon His Messenger and upon the believers and made them adhere (to the) word (of) righteousness, and they were more deserving of it and worthy of it. And is Allah of every thing All-Knower.

ḥāmin   (1)

not has made Allah of a Bahirah and not a Saibah and not a Wasilah and not a Hami. [And] but those who disbelieved they invent against Allah the lie, and most of them (do) not use reason.

ḥāmiyatan   (1)

They will burn (in) a Fire intensely hot.

ḥāmiyatun   (1)

A Fire, intensely hot.

ḥamiyyata   (1)

When had put those who disbelieved in their hearts disdain - (the) disdain (of) the time of ignorance. Then sent down Allah His tranquility upon His Messenger and upon the believers and made them adhere (to the) word (of) righteousness, and they were more deserving of it and worthy of it. And is Allah of every thing All-Knower.

yuḥ'mā   (1)

(The) Day it will be heated (on it) in the Fire (of) Hell, and will be branded with it their foreheads and their flanks and their backs, "This (is) what you hoarded for yourselves, so taste what you used to hoard."

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