15:55 They said, "We give you glad tidings in truth, so (do) not be of the despairing."
39:53 Say, "O My slaves! Those who have transgressed against themselves, (do) not despair of (the) Mercy (of) Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives the sins all. Indeed He, He (is) the Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.
42:28 And He (is) the One Who sends down the rain from after [what] they have despaired, and spreads His mercy. And He (is) the Protector, the Praiseworthy.
41:49 (Does) not get tired man of praying (for) the good, but if touches him the evil then he gives up hope (and) despairs.
15:56 He said, "And who despairs of (the) Mercy (of) his Lord except those who are astray."
30:36 And when We cause to taste (the) people mercy, they rejoice therein. But if afflicts them an evil for what have sent forth their hands, behold! They despair.
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