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ش ر ك
General Root Meaning
to be a companion, be sharer/partner.
shirkun - share, participation, polytheism, idolatry, making associate/partner with Allah.
shariik (pl. shurakaa) - associate, partner, sharer. Nouns of the second declension when followed by the affixed pronouns take the three inflexions thus shurakaa, shurakaa'i,
shurakaa'a. shaarak (vb. 3) - to share with.
ashraka (vb. 4) - to make a sharer or associate, give companions (e.g. to God), be a polytheist or idolater.
ashraktumuuni - you associated me as partner.
mushrik - one who gives associate to God, polytheist.
mushtarikun (vb. 8) - one who partakes or shares.
ashraka   (1)

Or you say, "Only associated partners our forefathers from before (us) and we are descendants from after them. So will You destroy us for what did the falsifiers?"

ush'rika   (1)

And those (to) whom We have given them the Book, rejoice at what has been revealed to you, but among the groups (those) who deny a part of it. Say, "Only I have been commanded that I worship Allah, and not I associate partners with Him. To Him I call and to Him (is) my return."

ush'riku   (1)

But as for me, He (is) Allah, my Lord, and not I associate with my Lord anyone.

Say, "Only I call upon my Lord, and not I associate with Him anyone."

ush'rik   (1)

And were surrounded his fruits, so he began twisting his hands over what he (had) spent on it, while it (had) collapsed on its trellises, and he said, "Oh! I wish not had I associated with my Lord anyone."

ashrakta   (1)

And verily, it has been revealed to you and to those who (were) from before you, if you associate (with Allah) surely, will become worthless your deeds and you will surely be among the losers.

ashraktum   (2)

And how could I fear what you associate (with Allah) while not you fear that you have associated with Allah what Not he did send down for it to you any authority. So which (of) the two parties has more right to security if you know?"

And how could I fear what you associate (with Allah) while not you fear that you have associated with Allah what Not he did send down for it to you any authority. So which (of) the two parties has more right to security if you know?"

ashraktumūni   (1)

And will say the Shaitaan, when has been decided the matter, "Indeed, Allah promised you a promise (of) truth. And I promised you, but I betrayed you. But not had I over you any authority except that I invited you, and you responded to me. So (do) not blame me, but blame yourselves. Not (can) I (be) your helper and not you (can) (be) my helper. Indeed, I deny [of what] your association of me (with A from before. Indeed, the wrongdoers, for them (is) a punishment painful."

ashraknā   (1)

Will say those who associate partners (with Allah "If had willed Allah, not we (would) have associated par and not our forefathers and not we (would) have forbidden [of] anything." Likewise denied those who from (were) before them until they tasted Our wrath. Say, "Is with you [of] any knowledge then produce it for us? Not you follow except the assumption, and not you (do) but guess."

ashrakū   (9)

Surely you will find strongest (of) the people (in) enmity to those who believe, the Jews and those who (are) polytheists; and surely you will find nearest of them (in) affection to those who believe, those who say, "We (are) Christians." That (is) because among them (are) priests and monks, and that they (are) not arrogant.

Indeed, those who have believed, and those who were Jews and the Sabians and the Christians and the Magians, and those who (are) polytheists indeed, Allah will judge between them (on) the Day (of) the Resurrection. Indeed, Allah over every thing (is) a Witness.

Will say those who associate partners (with Allah "If had willed Allah, not we (would) have associated par and not our forefathers and not we (would) have forbidden [of] anything." Likewise denied those who from (were) before them until they tasted Our wrath. Say, "Is with you [of] any knowledge then produce it for us? Not you follow except the assumption, and not you (do) but guess."

And (the) Day We will gather them all together, then We will say to those who associate partners (with Allah "(Remain in) your place you and your partners." Then We will separate [between] them, and (will) say their partners, "Not you used (to) us worship."

And said those who associate partners (with Allah "If (had) willed Allah not we (would) have worshipped from other than Him any thing, we and not our forefathers and not we (would) have forbidden from other than Him from anything." Thus did those who (were) from before them, Then is (there) on the messengers except the conveyance clear?

You will certainly be tested in your wealth and yourselves. And you will certainly hear from those who were given the Book from before you and from those who associate partners with Allah hurtful things many, and if you are patient and fear (Allah) then indeed, that (is) of the matters (of) determination.

And surely you will find them (the) most greedy (of) [the] mankind for life, and (greedier) than those who associate[d] partners (with Al Loves (each) one of them if he could be granted a life (of) a thousand year(s). But not it (will) remove him from the punishment that he should be granted life. And Allah (is) All-Seer of what they do.

And (the) Day We will gather them all, then We will say to those who associated others with Allah, "Where (are) your partners, those whom you used to claim?"

And if (had) willed Allah, not (they would have) associated partners (with Him) And not We have made you over them a guardian, and not you (are) over them a manager.

And when (will) see those who associated partners with Allah their partners. They will say, "Our Lord, these (are) our partners those whom we used to invoke from besides You." But they (will) throw back at them (their) word, "Indeed, you (are) surely liars."

That (is the) Guidance (of) Allah, He guides with it whom He wills of His slaves. But if they (had) associated partners surely (would be) worthless for them what they used to do.

We will cast in (the) hearts (of) those who disbelieve [the] terror because they associated partners with Allah, what not He sent down about it any authority, and their refuge (will be) the Fire and wretched (is the) abode [of] the wrongdoers.

ayush'rikūna   (1)

Do they associate what (can) not create anything and they are created?

l-shir'ka   (1)

And when said Luqman to his son while he (was) instructing him, "O my son! (Do) not associate partners with Allah. Indeed, associating partners (is) surely an injustice great."

l-mush'rikāti   (1)

And (do) not [you] marry [the] polytheistic women until they believe. And a bondwoman (who is) believing (is) better than a polytheistic woman [and] even if she pleases you. And (do) not give in marriage (your women) (to) [the] polytheistic men until they believe, and a bondman (who is) believing (is) better than a polytheistic man [and] even if he pleases you. [Those] they invite to the Fire, and Allah invites to Paradise and [the] forgiveness by His permission. And He makes clear His Verses for the people so that they may take heed.

l-mush'rikūna   (1)

O you who believe! Indeed, the polytheists (are) unclean, so not let them come near Al-Masjid Al-Haraam after their year (final) this And if you fear poverty, then soon will enrich you Allah from His Bounty, if He wills. Indeed, Allah (is) All-Knower, All-Wise.

He (is) the One Who has sent His Messenger with the guidance and the religion (of) [the] truth, to manifest it over religions all (of them) Even if dislike (it) the polytheists.

He (is) the One Who sent His Messenger with guidance and (the) religion (of) the truth, to make it prevail over the religion all of them, although dislike (it) the polytheists.

l-mush'rikīna   (5)

And (do) not [you] marry [the] polytheistic women until they believe. And a bondwoman (who is) believing (is) better than a polytheistic woman [and] even if she pleases you. And (do) not give in marriage (your women) (to) [the] polytheistic men until they believe, and a bondman (who is) believing (is) better than a polytheistic man [and] even if he pleases you. [Those] they invite to the Fire, and Allah invites to Paradise and [the] forgiveness by His permission. And He makes clear His Verses for the people so that they may take heed.

And an announcement from Allah and His Messenger to the people (on the) day (of) the Pilgrimage (of) the greater that Allah (is) free from obligations [of] (to) the polytheists, and (so is) His Messenger. So if you repent, then, it is best for you. But if you turn away then know that you (can) not escape Allah. And give glad tidings (to) those who disbelieve of a punishment painful.

Not was Ibrahim a Jew and not a Christian and but he was a true Muslim, and not he was from the polytheists.

Say, (has) spoken the truth Allah, then follow (the) religion (of) Ibrahim (the) upright, and not he was of the polytheists.

Say, "Is it other than Allah I (should) take (as) a protector, Creator, (of) the heavens and the earth, while (it is) He Who feeds and not He is fed?" Say, "Indeed I [I] am commanded that I be (the) first who submits (to Allah) and not be of the polytheists."

Indeed, I [I] have turned my face to the One Who created the heavens and the earth (as) a true monotheist, and not I (am) of the polytheists.

Follow, what has been inspired to you from your Lord, (there is) no god except Him, and turn away from the polytheists.

And likewise made pleasing to many of the polytheists - (the) killing (of) their children - their partners - so that they may ruin them and that they make confusing to them their religion. And if (had) willed Allah not they (would) have done so. So leave them and what they invent.

Say, "Indeed (as for) me, has guided me my Lord to a path straight - a religion right, religion (of) Ibrahim - a true monotheist. And not he was from the polytheists.

Freedom from obligations from Allah and His Messenger to those (with) whom you made a covenant from the polytheists.

Except those (with) whom you have a covenant among the polytheists, then not they have failed you (in any) thing and not they have supported against you anyone, so fulfil to them their treaty till their term. Indeed, Allah loves the righteous.

Then when have passed the months sacred, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and seize them and besiege them and sit (in wait) for them (at) every place of ambush. But if they repent and establish the prayer and give the zakah then leave their way. Indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

And if anyone of the polytheists seek your protection then grant him protection until he hears (the) Words (of) Allah. Then escort him (to) his place of safety. That (is) because they (are) a people not (who) do know.

Indeed, (the) number (of) the months with Allah (is) two ten (i.e twelve) months in (the) ordinance (of) Allah (from the) Day He created the heavens and the earth; of them, four (are) sacred. That (is) the religion the upright, so (do) not wrong therein yourselves. And fight the polytheists all together, as they fight you all together. And know that Allah (is) with the righteous.

And that, "Direct your face to the religion upright, and (do) not be of the polytheists.

Say, "This (is) my way; I invite to Allah, with insight, I and whoever follows me. And Glory be (to) Allah and not I am of the polytheists."

So proclaim of what you are ordered and turn away from the polytheists.

Indeed, Ibrahim was a nation obedient to Allah upright, and not he was of the polytheists.

Then We revealed to you, that, "You follow (the) religion (of) Ibrahim upright; and not he was of the polytheists."

And (let) not avert you from (the) Verses (of) Allah after [when] they have been revealed to you. And invite (people) to your Lord. And (do) not be of the polytheists.

Turning to Him, and fear Him and establish the prayer and (do) not be of the polytheists

He has ordained for you of the religion what He enjoined upon Nuh, and that which We have revealed to you, and what We enjoined upon Ibrahim and Musa and Isa. To establish the religion and not be divided therein. Is difficult on the polytheists what you call them to it. Allah chooses for Himself whom He wills, and guides to Himself whoever turns.

(Do) not like those who disbelieve from (the) People (of) the Book and not those who associate partners ( that (there should) be sent down to you any good from your Lord. And Allah chooses for His Mercy whom He wills. And Allah (is the) Possessor (of) [the] Bounty [the] Great.

And they said, "Be Jews or Christians, (then) you will be guided." Say, "Nay, (the) religion (of) Ibrahim, (the) upright; and not he was of those who associated partners

bishurakāihim   (2)

And not will be for them among theirs partners any intercessors and they will be in their partners disbelievers.

Or (are) for them partners? Then let them bring their partners, if they are truthful.

bishir'kikum   (1)

If you invoke them not they hear your call; and if they heard, not they (would) respond to you. And (on the) Day (of) the Resurrection they will deny your association. And none can inform you like (the) All-Aware.

tush'rika   (1)

But if they strive against you on that you associate partners with Me what not you have of it any knowledge, then (do) not obey both of them. But accompany them in the world (with) kindness, and follow (the) path (of him) who turns to Me. Then towards Me (is) your return, then I will inform you of what you used (to) do."

tush'rik   (2)

And when We assigned to Ibrahim (the) site (of) the House, "That (do) not associate with Me anything and purify My House for those who circumambulate and those who stand and those who bow, (and) those who prostrate.

And when said Luqman to his son while he (was) instructing him, "O my son! (Do) not associate partners with Allah. Indeed, associating partners (is) surely an injustice great."

tush'rikū   (2)

And worship Allah And (do) not associate with Him anything, and to the parents (do) good, and with the relatives, and the orphans, and the needy and the neighbor (who is) near, and the neighbor (who is) farther away, and the companion by your side and the traveler and what possess[ed] your right hands. Indeed, Allah (does) not love (the one) who is [a] proud (and) [a] boastful.

Say, "Come, I will recite what has prohibited your Lord to you. That (do) not associate with Him anything, and with the parents (be) good, and (do) not kill your children (out) of poverty, We provide for you and for them. And (do) not go near [the] immoralities what (is) apparent of them and what (is) concealed. And (do) not kill the soul which has forbidden Allah except by (legal) right. That (He) has enjoined on you with it, so that you may use reason."

Say, "Only (had) forbidden my Lord the shameful deeds what (is) apparent of it and what is concealed, and the sin, and the oppression without [the] right, and that you associate (others) with Allah what not He (has) sent down of it any authority, and that you say about Allah what not (do) you know?"

tush'rikūna   (5)

Then it will be said to them, "Where (is) that which you used to associate

Say, "Allah saves you from it and from every distress, yet you associate partners (with Allah

And argued with him his people. He said, "Do you argue with me concerning Allah while certainly He has guided me? And not (do) I fear what you associate with Him, unless [that] wills (my) Lord anything. Encompasses my Lord every thing (in) knowledge. Then will not you take heed?

Not we say, except (that), have seized you some (of) our gods with evil." He said, "Indeed, I [I] call to witness Allah and (you) bear witness that I am innocent of what you associate,

When he saw the sun rising he said, "This (is) my Lord, this (is) greater." But when it set, he said, "O my people! Indeed, I am free of what you associate (with Allah)."

Say, "What thing (is) greatest (as) a testimony?" Say, "Allah (is) Witness between me and between you, and has been revealed to me this [the] Quran that I may warn you with it and whoever it reaches. Do you truly testify that with Allah (there are) gods other?" Say, "Not (do) I testify." Say, "Only He (is) God One, and indeed, I am free of what you associate (with Him).

"Nay, Him Alone you call and He would remove what you call upon Him if He wills, and you will forget what you associate (with Him)."

shir'kun   (2)

Say, "Have you seen your partners those whom you call from besides Allah?" Show Me what they have created from the earth, or for them (is) a share in the heavens. Or have We given them a Book so they (are) on a clear proof therefrom? Nay, not promise the wrongdoers some of them (to) others except delusion.

Say, "Do you see what you call from besides Allah? Show me what they have created of the earth or for them (is) any share in the heavens? Bring me a book from before this or traces of knowledge, if you are truthful."

shir'kin   (1)

Say, "Call upon those whom you claim from besides Allah." Not they possess (the) weight (of) an atom in the heavens and not in the earth and not for them in both of them any partnership, and not for Him from them any supporter.

shurakāa   (2)

Say, "Show me those whom you have joined with Him (as) partners. By no means! Nay, He (is) Allah the All-Mighty, the All-Wise."

And they make with Allah partners - jinn though He has created them, and they falsely attribute to Him sons and daughters without knowledge. Glorified is He and Exalted above what they attribute.

But when He gives them a good, (child) they make for Him partners in what He has given them. But exalted (is) Allah above what they associate (with Him).

No doubt! Indeed, to Allah (belongs) whoever (is) in the heavens and whoever (is) in the earth. And not follow those who invoke from other than Allah partners. Not they follow but the assumption and not they but guess.

Say, "Who (is) the Lord (of) the heavens and the earth?" Say, "Allah." Say, "Have you then taken from besides Him, protectors, not they have power for themselves (to) benefit and not (to) harm?" Say, "Is equal the blind and the seeing? Or is equal the darkness[es] and the light? Or they attribute to Allah partners who created like His creation, so that seemed alike the creation to them?" Say, "Allah (is) the Creator of all things, and He (is) the One the Irresistible."

Is then He Who (is) a Maintainer of every soul for what it has earned? Yet they ascribe to Allah partners. Say, "Name them. Or (do) you inform Him of what not He knows in the earth or of the apparent of the words?" Nay, (is) made fair-seeming to those who disbelieve their plotting, and they are hindered from the Path. And whoever lets go astray Allah then not for him any guide.

He sets forth to you an example from yourselves. Is for you among what possess your right hands any partners in what We have provided you so you in it (are) equal, you fear them as you fear yourselves? Thus We explain the Verses for a people (who) use reason.

shurakāu   (3)

And for you (is) half (of) what (is) left by your wives if not is for them a child. But if is for them a child, then for you (is) the fourth of what they left, from after any will they have made [for which] or any debt. And for them (is) the fourth of what you left, if not is for you a child. But if is for you a child, then for them (is) the eighth of what you left from after any will you have made [for which] or any debt. And if [is] a man (whose wealth) is to be inheri (has) no parent or child or a women and for him (is) a brother or a sister, then for each one of (the) two (is) the sixth. But if they are more than that, then they (are) partners in the third, from after any will was made [for which] or any debt without (being) harmful. An ordinance from Allah. And Allah (is) All-Knowing, All-Forbearing.

And they say, "What (is) in (the) wombs (of) these cattle (is) exclusively for our males and forbidden on our spouses. But if is (born) dead, then they (all) in it (are) partners." He will recompense them (for) their attribution. Indeed, He (is) All-Wise, All-Knowing.

Or for them (are) partners who have ordained for them of the religion what not has given permission of it Allah And if not (for) a word decisive, surely, it (would have) been j between them. And indeed, the wrongdoers, for them (is a) punishment painful.

sets forth Allah an example - a man about him partners quarreling and a man (belonging) exclusively to one man - are they both equal (in) comparison? All praise (be) to Allah! Nay, most of them (do) not know.

Or (are) for them partners? Then let them bring their partners, if they are truthful.

And certainly you have come to Us alone as We created you (the) first time, and you have left whatever We bestowed (on) you behind your backs. And not We see with you your intercessors those whom you claimed that they (were) in your (matters) partners (with Allah). Indeed, have been severed (bonds) between you and is lost from you what you used to claim."

shurakāakumu   (1)

Say, "Have you seen your partners those whom you call from besides Allah?" Show Me what they have created from the earth, or for them (is) a share in the heavens. Or have We given them a Book so they (are) on a clear proof therefrom? Nay, not promise the wrongdoers some of them (to) others except delusion.

shurakāakum   (1)

Are for them feet (to) walk with [it], or for them hands (to) hold with [it], or for them eyes (to) see with [it], or for them ears (to) hear with [it]? Say, "Call your partners, then scheme against me and (do) not give me respite."

And it will be said, "Call your partners." And they will call them, but not they will respond to them and they will see the punishment. If only [that] they had been guided!

shurakāukumu   (1)

And (the) Day We will gather them all, then We will say to those who associated others with Allah, "Where (are) your partners, those whom you used to claim?"

shurakāikum   (2)

Allah (is) the One Who created you, then He provided (for) you, then He will cause you to die then He will give you life. Is (there) any (of) your partners who does of that any thing? Glory be to Him and exalted is He above what they associate.

Say, "Is (there) of your partners (any) who originates the creation then repeats it?" Say, "Allah originates the creation then repeats it. So how you are deluded?"

Say, "Is (there) of your partners (any) who guides to the truth?" Say, "Allah guides to the truth. Is then (he) who guides to the truth more worthy that he should be followed or (he) who (does) not guide unless [that] he is guided? Then what (is) for you, how you judge?"

shurakāunā   (1)

And when (will) see those who associated partners with Allah their partners. They will say, "Our Lord, these (are) our partners those whom we used to invoke from besides You." But they (will) throw back at them (their) word, "Indeed, you (are) surely liars."

shurakāahum   (1)

And when (will) see those who associated partners with Allah their partners. They will say, "Our Lord, these (are) our partners those whom we used to invoke from besides You." But they (will) throw back at them (their) word, "Indeed, you (are) surely liars."

shurakāuhum   (1)

And likewise made pleasing to many of the polytheists - (the) killing (of) their children - their partners - so that they may ruin them and that they make confusing to them their religion. And if (had) willed Allah not they (would) have done so. So leave them and what they invent.

And (the) Day We will gather them all together, then We will say to those who associate partners (with Allah "(Remain in) your place you and your partners." Then We will separate [between] them, and (will) say their partners, "Not you used (to) us worship."

shurakāihim   (2)

And they assign to Allah out of what He produced of the crops and the cattle a share and they say, "This (is) for Allah," by their claim, "And this (is) for our partners." But what is for their partners (does) not reach [to] Allah, while what is for Allah then it reaches [to] their partners. Evil (is) what they judge.

And not will be for them among theirs partners any intercessors and they will be in their partners disbelievers.

shurakāī   (1)

To Him is referred (the) knowledge (of) the Hour. And not come out any fruits from their coverings, and not bears any female and not gives birth except with His knowledge. And (the) Day He will call them, "Where (are) My partners? They will say, "We announce (to) You, not among us any witness."

shurakāiya   (2)

Then (on) the Day (of) the Resurrection, He will disgrace them and say, "Where (are) My partners those (for) whom you used (to) oppose [in them]?" Will say those who were given the knowledge, "Indeed, the disgrace, this Day and evil (are) upon the disbelievers"

And (the) Day He will call them and say, "Where, (are) My partners whom you used (to) claim?"

And (the) Day He will call them and say, "Where (are) My partners whom you used (to) claim?"

And the Day He will say, "Call My partners, those who you claimed," then they will call them but not they will respond to them. And We will make between them a barrier.

sharīkun   (1)

And say, "All Praise (is) for Allah the One Who not has taken a son and not is for Him a partner in the dominion, and not is for Him any protector out of weakness. And magnify Him (with all) magnificence."

One Who - to Him (belongs) (the) dominion (of) the heavens and the earth, and not He has taken a son, and not He has for Him a partner in the dominion and He (has) created every thing, and determined it (with) determination.

sharīka   (1)

No partners for Him; and with that I have been commanded. And I am (the) first (of) the ones who surrender (t

litush'rika   (1)

And We have enjoined (on) man to his parents goodness, but if they both strive against you to make you associate with Me what not you have of it any knowledge, then (do) not obey both of them. To Me (is) your return, and I will inform you about what you used (to) do.

lishurakāinā   (1)

And they assign to Allah out of what He produced of the crops and the cattle a share and they say, "This (is) for Allah," by their claim, "And this (is) for our partners." But what is for their partners (does) not reach [to] Allah, while what is for Allah then it reaches [to] their partners. Evil (is) what they judge.

lishurakāihim   (1)

And they assign to Allah out of what He produced of the crops and the cattle a share and they say, "This (is) for Allah," by their claim, "And this (is) for our partners." But what is for their partners (does) not reach [to] Allah, while what is for Allah then it reaches [to] their partners. Evil (is) what they judge.

lil'mush'rikīna   (2)

How can (there) be for the polytheists a covenant with Allah and with His Messenger, except those (with) whom you made a covenant near Al-Masjid Al-Haraam? So long as they are upright to you then you be upright to them. Indeed, Allah loves the righteous.

not (It) is for the polytheists that they maintain (the) masajid (of) Allah (while) witnessing against themselves [with] disbelief. (For) those, worthless (are) their deeds, and in the Fire they (will) abide forever.

Not (it) is for the Prophet and those who believe that they ask forgiveness for the polytheists, even though they be (from) near of kin, from after [what] has become clear to them, that they (are the) companions (of) the Hellfire.

Say, "Only I am a man like you, it is revealed to me that your god (is) God One; so take a Straight Path to Him and ask His forgiveness." And woe to the polytheists,

lamush'rikūna   (1)

And (do) not eat of that, not has been mentioned (the) name (of) Allah on it, and indeed, it (is) grave disobedience. And indeed, the devils inspire to their friends so that they dispute with you, and if you obey them, indeed, you (would) be the polytheists.

mush'tarikūna   (2)

Then indeed, they that Day in the punishment (will be) sharers.

And never will benefit you the Day, when you have wronged, that you (will be) in the punishment sharing.

mush'rikun   (1)

The fornicator (will) not marry except a fornicatress, or a polytheist woman, and the fornicatress - (will) not marry her except a fornicator or a polytheist man. And is forbidden that to the believers.

mush'rikin   (1)

And (do) not [you] marry [the] polytheistic women until they believe. And a bondwoman (who is) believing (is) better than a polytheistic woman [and] even if she pleases you. And (do) not give in marriage (your women) (to) [the] polytheistic men until they believe, and a bondman (who is) believing (is) better than a polytheistic man [and] even if he pleases you. [Those] they invite to the Fire, and Allah invites to Paradise and [the] forgiveness by His permission. And He makes clear His Verses for the people so that they may take heed.

mush'rikatan   (1)

The fornicator (will) not marry except a fornicatress, or a polytheist woman, and the fornicatress - (will) not marry her except a fornicator or a polytheist man. And is forbidden that to the believers.

mush'rikatin   (1)

And (do) not [you] marry [the] polytheistic women until they believe. And a bondwoman (who is) believing (is) better than a polytheistic woman [and] even if she pleases you. And (do) not give in marriage (your women) (to) [the] polytheistic men until they believe, and a bondman (who is) believing (is) better than a polytheistic man [and] even if he pleases you. [Those] they invite to the Fire, and Allah invites to Paradise and [the] forgiveness by His permission. And He makes clear His Verses for the people so that they may take heed.

mush'rikūna   (2)

Only his authority (is) over those who take him as an ally and those who [they] with Him associate partners.

And not believe most of them in Allah except while they associate partners with Him.

mush'rikīna   (4)

So when they saw Our punishment they said, "We believe in Allah Alone and we disbelieve in what we used to with Him associate."

Being upright to Allah, not associating partners with Him. And whoever associates partners with Allah then (it is) as though he had fallen from the sky and (had) snatched him the birds, or had blown him the wind to a place far off.

Say, "Travel in the earth and see how was (the) end (of) those who (were) from before. Of them most were polytheists."

Then not will be (for) them a plea except that they say, "By Allah, our Lord, not we were those who associated others (w

nush'rika   (3)

And I follow (the) religion (of) my forefathers, Ibrahim, and Ishaq and Yaqub. Not was for us that we associate with Allah any thing. That (is) from (the) Grace (of) Allah upon us, and upon the mankind but most (of) the men (are) not grateful.

Say, "O People (of) the Book! Come to a word equitable between us and between you - that not we worship except Allah, and not we associate partners with Him - anything and not take some of us (to) others (as) lords from besides Allah." Then if they turn away, then say, "Bear witness that we (are) Muslims."

It guides to the right way, so we believe in it, and never we will associate with our Lord anyone.

wa-ush'rika   (1)

You call me that I disbelieve in Allah and (to) associate with Him what not for me of it any knowledge, and I call you to the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving.

wa-ashrik'hu   (1)

And make him share [in] my task

wal-mush'rikāti   (1)

So that may punish Allah the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women and the polytheist men and the polytheist women and will turn (in Mercy) Allah to the believing men and the believing women. And is Allah Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

And He (may) punish the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women and the polytheist men and the polytheist women, who assume about Allah an assumption evil. Upon them (is) a turn (of) evil, and wrath Allah upon them and He has cursed them and prepared for them Hell, and evil (is the) destination.

wal-mush'rikīna   (2)

So that may punish Allah the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women and the polytheist men and the polytheist women and will turn (in Mercy) Allah to the believing men and the believing women. And is Allah Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

And He (may) punish the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women and the polytheist men and the polytheist women, who assume about Allah an assumption evil. Upon them (is) a turn (of) evil, and wrath Allah upon them and He has cursed them and prepared for them Hell, and evil (is the) destination.

Not were those who disbelieved from (the) People of the Book and the polytheists, to be abandoned until (there) comes to them the clear evidence,

Indeed, those who disbelieve from (the) People (of) the Book and the polytheists (will be) in (the) Fire (of) Hell abiding eternally therein. Those - they (are the) worst (of) the creatures.

washārik'hum   (1)

And incite whoever you can among them with your voice, and assault [on] them with your cavalry and infantry and be a partner in the wealth and the children, and promise them." And not promises them the Shaitaan except delusion.

washurakāakum   (1)

And recite to them the news (of) Nuh when he said to his people, "O my people! If is hard on you my stay and my reminding the Signs (of) Allah, then on Allah I put my trust. So you all resolve your plan and your partners. Then not let (there) be (in) your plan for you any doubt. Then carry (it out) upon me and (do) not give me respite.

washurakāukum   (1)

And (the) Day We will gather them all together, then We will say to those who associate partners (with Allah "(Remain in) your place you and your partners." Then We will separate [between] them, and (will) say their partners, "Not you used (to) us worship."

yush'raka   (1)

Indeed, Allah (does) not forgive that partners be associated with Him, but He forgives from other than that for whom He wills. And whoever associates partners with Allah, then surely he has fabricated a sin - tremendous.

Indeed, Allah does not forgive that partners be associated with Him, but He forgives [what] other than that for whom He wills. And whoever associates partners with Allah then surely he lost (the) way, straying far away.

yush'rak   (1)

"That (is) because, when was invoked Allah Alone you disbelieved; but if (others) were associated with Him, you believed. So the judgment (is) with Allah, the Most High, the Most Great."

yush'riku   (1)

Say, "Allah knows best about what (period) they remained. For Him (is the) unseen (of) the heavens and the earth. How clearly He sees! [of it] And how clearly He hears! Not for them from besides Him any protector, and not He shares [in] His Commands (with) anyone."

yush'rik   (2)

Say, "Only I (am) a man like you. Has been revealed to me that your God (is) God One. So whoever is hoping (for the) meeting (with) his Lord, let him do deeds righteous and not associate in (the) worship (of) his Lord anyone."

Indeed, Allah (does) not forgive that partners be associated with Him, but He forgives from other than that for whom He wills. And whoever associates partners with Allah, then surely he has fabricated a sin - tremendous.

Indeed, Allah does not forgive that partners be associated with Him, but He forgives [what] other than that for whom He wills. And whoever associates partners with Allah then surely he lost (the) way, straying far away.

Certainly disbelieved those who say, "Indeed Allah - He (is) the Messiah, son (of) Maryam." While said the Messiah, "O Children (of) Israel! Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Indeed, he who associates partners with Allah, then surely (has) forbidden Allah for him Paradise and his abode (will be) the Fire. And not for the wrongdoers any helpers.

Being upright to Allah, not associating partners with Him. And whoever associates partners with Allah then (it is) as though he had fallen from the sky and (had) snatched him the birds, or had blown him the wind to a place far off.

yush'rik'na   (1)

O Prophet! When come to you the believing women pledging to you [on] that not they will associate with Allah anything, and not they will steal, and not they will commit adultery, and not they will kill their children, and not they bring slander, they invent it between their hands and their feet, and not they will disobey you in (the) right, then accept their pledge and ask forgiveness for them (from) Allah. Indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

yush'rikūna   (6)

Then when He removes the adversity from you, behold! A group of you with their Lord associate others,

And those [they] with their Lord (do) not associate partners.

And when touches people hardship, they call their Lord turning to Him. Then when He causes them to taste from Him Mercy behold! A party of them with their Lord associate partners

And when they embark [in] the ship, they call Allah (being) sincere to Him (in) the religion. But when He delivers them to the land, behold, they associate partners (with Him)

Or have We sent to them an authority and it speaks of what they were with Him associating?

Will come (the) command (of) Allah so (do) not (be) impatient for it. Glorified is He and Exalted (is) He above what they associate.

He created the heavens and the earth, in truth. Exalted is He above what they associate.

Knower (of) the unseen and the witnessed, exalted is He above what they associate.

(has) promised Allah those who believe among you and do righteous deeds, He will grant them succession in the earth, as He gave succession to those who from (were) before them, and He will surely establish for them their religion which He has approved for them, and surely He will change for from after their fear, security (for) they worship Me, not they associate with Me anything. But whoever disbelieved after that, then those [they] (are) the defiantly disobedien

Allah (is) the One Who created you, then He provided (for) you, then He will cause you to die then He will give you life. Is (there) any (of) your partners who does of that any thing? Glory be to Him and exalted is He above what they associate.

But when He gives them a good, (child) they make for Him partners in what He has given them. But exalted (is) Allah above what they associate (with Him).

They have taken their rabbis and their monks (as) Lords from besides Allah and the Messiah, son (of) Maryam. And not they were commanded except that they worship God One. (There) is no god except Him. Glory be to Him from what they associate (with Him).

And they worship from other than Allah that (which) (does) not harm them and not benefit them, and they say, "These (are) our intercessors with Allah." Say, "Do you inform Allah of what not he knows in the heavens and not in the earth?" Glorified is He and Exalted above what they associate (with Him).

Say, "All praise (be) to Allah, and peace (be) upon His slaves those whom He has chosen. Is Allah better or what they associate (with Him)?"

Or Who, guides you in (the) darkness[es] (of) the land and the sea and Who sends the winds (as) glad tidings (from) between (hands) His Mercy? Is there any god with Allah? High is Allah above what they associate (with Him).

And your Lord creates what He wills and chooses. Not they have for them the choice. Glory be (to) Allah and High is He above what they associate (with Him).

And not they appraised Allah (with) true appraisal, while the earth entirely (will be) in His Grip (on the) Day (of) the Resurrection, and the heavens (will be) folded in His Right Hand. Glory be to Him! And High is He above what they associate (with Him).

Or for them a god other than Allah? Glory be (to) Allah from what they associate (with Him).

He (is) Allah, the One Who, (there is) no god but He, the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Giver of Peace, the Giver of Security, the Guardian, the All-Mighty, the Irresistible, the Supreme. Glory (be to) Allah from what they associate (with Him).

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