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ش ر ر
General Root Meaning
to do evil, be ill natured, wicked.
yashirru/yasharru - to find fault, defame.
sharrun (pl. ashrar) - evil, bad, wicked, vicious ones. It is noteable that shurrun is an exceptional form of elative adjective while the measure for elative in Arabic is afa'la.
shararun (pl. ashraar) - sparks of fire.
asharrun   (1)

And that we - not we know whether evil is intended for (those) who (are) in the earth or intends for them their Lord a right path.

l-ashrāri   (1)

And they (will) say, "What (is) for us not we see men we used to count them among the bad ones?

l-shara   (1)

And if (was) to hasten Allah for the mankind the evil, (as) He hastens for them the good, surely, would have been decree for them their term. But We leave those who (do) not expect the meeting with Us, in their transgression, wandering blindly.

l-sharu   (1)

And when We bestow favor on man he turns away and becomes remote on his side. And when touches him the evil he is (in) despair.

(Does) not get tired man of praying (for) the good, but if touches him the evil then he gives up hope (and) despairs.

And when We bestow upon man, he turns away - and becomes remote on his side; but when touches him the evil, then (he is) full (of) supplication lengthy.

When touches him the evil, distressed.

bil-shari   (2)

And prays the man for evil (as) he prays for the good. And is the man ever hasty.

Every soul (will) taste [the] death. And We test you with [the] bad and [the] good (as) a trial; and to Us you will be returned.

bisharrin   (2)

Say, "Shall I inform you (of) worse than that (as) recompense from Allah? Whom has cursed Allah and He became angry with him and made of them [the] apes and [the] swines, and (who) worshipped the false deities. Those (are) worse (in) position and farthest astray from (the) even way."

And when are recited to them Our Verses clear, you will recognize on (the) faces (of) those who disbelieve the denial. They almost attack those who recite to them Our Verses. Say, "Then shall I inform you of worse than that? The Fire, (has) promised it Allah (for) those who disbelieve, and wretched (is) the destination."

bishararin   (1)

Indeed, it throws up sparks as the fortress,

sharrun   (5)

They said, "If he steals - then verily stole a brother of his from before." But kept it secret Yusuf within himself, and (did) not reveal it to them. He said, "You (are the) worse (in) position, and Allah knows best of what you describe."

Those who will be gathered on their faces to Hell, those (are the) worst (in) position and most astray (from the) way.

Say, "Shall I inform you (of) worse than that (as) recompense from Allah? Whom has cursed Allah and He became angry with him and made of them [the] apes and [the] swines, and (who) worshipped the false deities. Those (are) worse (in) position and farthest astray from (the) even way."

Is prescribed upon you [the] fighting while it (is) hateful to you. But perhaps [that] you dislike a thing and it (is) good for you; and perhaps [that] you love a thing and it (is) bad for you. And Allah knows while you (do) not know.

And (let) not think those who withhold of what (has) given them Allah of His Bounty (that) it (is) good for them. Nay, it (is) bad for them. Their necks will be encircled (with) what they withheld [with it] (on the) Day (of) [the] Resurrection. And for Allah (is the) heritage (of) the heavens and the earth. And Allah, with what you do, (is) All-Aware.

Say, "Whoever is in [the] error, then surely will extend for him the Most Gracious an extension, until when they see what they were promised, either the punishment or the Hour, then they will know who [he] (is) worst (in) position and weaker (in) forces."

sharra   (3)

But will protect them Allah (from the) evil (of) that Day and will cause them to meet radiance and happiness.

Indeed, (the) worst (of) the living creatures near Allah (are) those who disbelieve, and they (will) not believe.

Indeed, worst (of) the living creatures near Allah (are) the deaf, the dumb - those who (do) not use (their) intellect.

sharru   (1)

Indeed, those who disbelieve from (the) People (of) the Book and the polytheists (will be) in (the) Fire (of) Hell abiding eternally therein. Those - they (are the) worst (of) the creatures.

sharri   (1)

From (the) evil (of) what He created,

And from (the) evil (of) darkness when it spreads

And from (the) evil (of) the blowers in the knots,

And from (the) evil (of) an envier when he envies."

From (the) evil (of) the whisperer, the one who withdraws,

sharran   (2)

Indeed, those who brought the lie (are) a group among you. (Do) not think it bad for you; nay, it (is) good for you. For every person among them (is) what he earned of the sin, and the one who took upon himself a greater share of it among them - for him (is) a punishment great.

And whoever does (equal to the) weight (of) an atom evil, will see it.

sharruhu   (1)

They fulfill the vows and fear a Day - (which) is its evil widespread.

lasharra   (1)

This (is so)! And indeed, for the transgressors surely (is) an evil place of return.

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