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س و ء
General Root Meaning
to treat badly, do evil to disgrace, be evil/wicked/vicious, ill, anything that makes a person sad and sorrowful, bad action, mischief and corruption, sin, evil doer, wretched or grievous, vex, annoy.
su'atun (pl. suat) - corpse, external portion of both sexes, shame.
asatum   (1)

If you do good, you do good for yourselves; and if you do evil, then it is for it. So when came promise the last, to sadden your faces and to enter the Masjid just as they (had) entered it first time, and to destroy what they had conquered (with) destruction.

asāa   (1)

Whoever does righteous deeds then it is for his soul; and whoever does evil, then it is against it. And not (is) your Lord unjust to His slaves.

Whoever does a righteous deed, then it is for his soul, and whoever does evil, then it (is) against it. Then to your Lord you will be returned.

asāū   (2)

Then was (the) end (of) those who did evil - the evil, because they denied (the) Signs (of) Allah and were of them making mockery.

And for Allah (is) whatever (is) in the heavens and whatever (is) in the earth that He may recompense those who do evil with what they have done and recompense those who do good with the best.

aswa-a   (1)

That will remove Allah from them (the) worst (of) what they did and reward them their due for (the) best (of) what they used to do.

But surely We will cause to ta those who disbelieve a punishment severe, and surely We will recompense (the) worst (of) what they used to do.

l-sawi   (3)

And verily, they have come upon the town which was showered (with) a rain (of) evil. Then do not they [were] see it? Nay, they are not expecting Resurrection.

And He (may) punish the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women and the polytheist men and the polytheist women, who assume about Allah an assumption evil. Upon them (is) a turn (of) evil, and wrath Allah upon them and He has cursed them and prepared for them Hell, and evil (is the) destination.

And among the bedouins (is he) who takes what he spends (as) a loss, and he awaits for you the turns (of misfortune). Upon them (will be) the turn (of) the evil. And Allah (is) All-Hearer, All-Knower.

For those who (do) not believe in the Hereafter, (is) a similitude (of) the evil, and for Allah (is) the similitude the Highest. And He (is) the All-Mighty, All-Wise.

And He (may) punish the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women and the polytheist men and the polytheist women, who assume about Allah an assumption evil. Upon them (is) a turn (of) evil, and wrath Allah upon them and He has cursed them and prepared for them Hell, and evil (is the) destination.

Nay, you thought that (would) never return the Messenger and the believers to their families ever, was made fair-seeming (that) in your hearts. And you assumed an assumption evil, and you became a people ruined."

l-sūa   (2)

Then indeed, your Lord, to those who did evil in ignorance, then repented from after that, and corrected themselves - indeed, your Lord, from after that (is) surely Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Only the acceptance of repentance by Allah (is) for those who do the evil in ignorance, then they repent from soon after. Then those will have forgiveness (from) Allah upon them, and is Allah All-Knowing, All-Wise.

And certainly she did desire him, and he would have desired her, if not that he saw the proof (of) his Lord. Thus, that We might avert from him the evil and the immorality. Indeed, he (was) of Our slaves the sincere.

And (do) not take your oaths (as) a deception between you, lest, should slip a foot after it is firmly planted, and you would taste the evil for what you hindered from (the) way (of) Allah and for you (is) a punishment great.

Or Who responds (to) the distressed one when he calls Him and He removes the evil and makes you inheritors (of) the earth? Is there any god with Allah? Little (is) what you remember.

l-sūu   (1)

Say, "Not I have power for myself (to) benefit and no (power to) harm, except what wills Allah. And if I would know (of) the unseen surely I could have multiplied of the good and not (could) have touched me the evil. Not I am except a warner and a bearer of good tidings to a people who believe."

And will deliver Allah those who feared (Him) to their place of salvation; not will touch them the evil, and not they will grieve.

l-sūi   (1)

So when they forgot what they had been reminded with [it], We saved those who forbade [from] the evil, and We seized those who wronged with a punishment wretched, because they were defiantly disobeying.

l-sūā   (1)

Then was (the) end (of) those who did evil - the evil, because they denied (the) Signs (of) Allah and were of them making mockery.

l-sayi-u   (1)

(Due to) arrogance in the land and plotting (of) the evil; but not encompasses the plot (of) the evil except its own people. Then do they wait except (the) way (of) the former (people)? But never you will find in (the) way (of) Allah any change, and never you will find in (the) way (of) Allah any alteration.

l-sayi-i   (1)

(Due to) arrogance in the land and plotting (of) the evil; but not encompasses the plot (of) the evil except its own people. Then do they wait except (the) way (of) the former (people)? But never you will find in (the) way (of) Allah any change, and never you will find in (the) way (of) Allah any alteration.

l-sayiātu   (1)

But if We give him a taste (of) favor after hardship (has) touched him, surely, he will say, "Have gone the evils from me." Indeed, he (is) exultant (and) boastful.

l-sayiāti   (5)

And protect them (from) the evils. And whoever you protect (from) the evils that Day, then verily You bestowed Mercy on him. And that [it] (is) the success, the great."

And protect them (from) the evils. And whoever you protect (from) the evils that Day, then verily You bestowed Mercy on him. And that [it] (is) the success, the great."

Or think those who do evil deeds that they can outrun Us. Evil is what they judge.

Do think those who commit evil deeds that We will make them like those who believed and did righteous deeds equal (in) their life and their death? Evil is what they judge!

Whoever (for) him desires the honor, then for Allah (is) the Honor all. To Him ascends the words good, and the deed righteous raises it. But those who plot the evil, for them (is) a punishment severe, and (the) plotting (of) those - it (will) perish.

And He (is) the One Who accepts the repentance of His slaves and pardons [of] the evil, and He knows what you do.

Whoever comes with a good (deed) then for him, (will be) better than it; and whoever comes with an evil (deed) then not will be recompensed those who do the evil (deeds) except what they used (to) do.

And not (is) the acceptance of repenta for those who do the evil deeds until when approaches one of them [the] death, he says, "Indeed I repent now;" and not those who die while they (are) disbelievers. Those - We have prepared for them a punishment painful.

And those who do the evil deeds then repented from after that and believed, indeed, your Lord from after that (is) surely Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

And those who earned the evil deeds, (the) recompense (of) an evil deed (is) like it, and (will) cover them humiliation. Not they will have from Allah any defender. As if had been covered their faces (with) pieces from the night (of) darkness Those (are the) companions (of) the Fire, they in it (will) abide forever.

And came (to) him his people rushing, to him, and from before they (had) been doing the evil deeds. He said, "O my people! These (are) my daughters, they (are) purer for you. So fear Allah and (do) not disgrace me concerning my guests. Is (there) not among you a man right-minded?"

And establish the prayer (at the) two ends (of) the day and (at) the approach of the night. Indeed, the good deeds remove the evil deeds. That (is) a reminder for those who remember.

Do then feel secure those who plotted the evil deeds that will cave Allah with them the earth or will come to them the punishment from where not they perceive?

l-sayi-ata   (1)

And those who (are) patient, seeking (the) Face (of) their Lord and establish the prayer and spend from what We have provided them, secretly and publicly and they repel with the good the evil - those for them (is) the final attainment (of) the Home -

Repel by that which (is) best - the evil. We know best of what they attribute.

Those will be given their reward twice because they are patient and they repel with good - the evil and from what We have provided them they spend.

l-sayi-atu   (1)

And not (are) equal the good (deed) and the evil (deed). Repel by (that) which [it] (is) better; then behold! One who, between you and between him, (was) enmity, (will become) as if he (was) a friend intimate.

l-sayi-ati   (1)

Then We changed (in) place (of) the bad the good, until they increased and said, "Verily, (had) touched our forefathers the adversity and the ease." So We seized them suddenly, while they (did) not perceive.

l-musīu   (1)

And not (are) equal the blind and the seeing and those who believe and do righteous deeds and not the evildoer. Little (is) what you take heed.

bil-sūi   (4)

(Does) not love Allah the public mention of [the] evil [of] [the] words except (by the one) who has been wronged. And is Allah All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

"And not I absolve myself. Indeed, the soul (is) a certain enjoiner of evil, unless [that] bestows Mercy my Lord. Indeed, my Lord (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

Only he commands you to (do) the evil and the shameful and that you say about Allah what not you know.

If they gain dominance over you, they would be to you enemies and extend against you their hands and their tongues with evil, and they desire that you would disbelieve.

bil-sayi-ati   (4)

And they ask you to hasten the evil before the good and verily has occurred from before them [the] similar punishments. And indeed, your Lord (is) Full (of) Forgiveness for mankind for their wrongdoing, and indeed, your Lord (is) severe (in) the penalty.

He said, "O my people! Why (do) you seek to hasten the evil before the good? Why not you ask forgiveness (of) Allah so that you may receive mercy?"

Whoever comes with a good (deed) then for him, (will be) better than it; and whoever comes with an evil (deed) then not will be recompensed those who do the evil (deeds) except what they used (to) do.

Whoever came with a good deed, then for him (is) ten (times) the like of it. And whoever came with an evil deed then not he will be recompensed except the like of it, and they not will be wronged.

And whoever comes with the evil, will be cast down their faces in the Fire. "Are you recompensed except (for) what you used (to) do?"

bisūin   (2)

Not we say, except (that), have seized you some (of) our gods with evil." He said, "Indeed, I [I] call to witness Allah and (you) bear witness that I am innocent of what you associate,

And to Thamud (We sent) their brother Salih. He said, "O my people! Worship Allah, not for you any god other than Him. Verily has come to you a clear proof from your Lord, This (is) a she-camel (of) Allah for you (as) a Sign. So you leave her (to) eat on (the) earth (of) Allah, and (do) not touch her with harm, lest seizes you a punishment painful."

And O my people! This she-camel (of) Allah (is) for you a Sign, so leave her to eat in the earth (of) Allah, and (do) not touch her with harm, lest will seize you a punishment impending."

And (do) not touch her with harm, lest seize you (the) punishment (of) a Day Great."

tasu'kum   (1)

O you who believe! (Do) not ask about things if made clear to you, it may distress you and if you ask about it when is being revealed the Quran it would be made clear to you. has pardoned Allah [about] it, and Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, All-Forbearing.

tasu'hum   (2)

If befalls you good, it distresses them, but if befalls you a calamity they say, "Verily, we took our matter from before." And they turn away while they (are) rejoicing.

If touches you a good, it grieves them and if strikes you misfortune, they rejoice at it. And if you are patient and fear (Allah), not will harm you their plot (in) anything. Indeed, Allah, of what they do (is) All-Encompassing.

sāa   (2)

And if that they had stood firmly (by) the Taurat and the Injeel and what was revealed to them from their Lord, surely they (would have) eaten from above them and from beneath their feet. Among them (is) a community moderate, but many of them - evil (is) what they do.

Indeed, incurred loss those who denied in (the) meeting (with) Allah, until when came to them the Hour suddenly they said, "Oh! Our regret over what we neglected concerning it," while they will bear their burdens on their backs. Unquestionably! Evil (is) what they bear.

And they assign to Allah out of what He produced of the crops and the cattle a share and they say, "This (is) for Allah," by their claim, "And this (is) for our partners." But what is for their partners (does) not reach [to] Allah, while what is for Allah then it reaches [to] their partners. Evil (is) what they judge.

Evil (as) an example (are) the people those who denied Our Signs and themselves they used to wrong.

They exchange [with] the Verses (of) Allah (for) a price little, and they hinder (people) from His way. Indeed, evil (is) what they used to do.

That they may bear their own burdens (in) full on (the) Day (of) the Resurrection, and of the burdens (of) those whom they misled [them] without knowledge. Unquestionably, evil (is) what they will bear.

He hides himself from the people (because) of the evil of what he has been given good news about. Should he keep it in humiliation or bury it in the dust? Unquestionably, evil (is) what they decide.

Or think those who do evil deeds that they can outrun Us. Evil is what they judge.

Do think those who commit evil deeds that We will make them like those who believed and did righteous deeds equal (in) their life and their death? Evil is what they judge!

has prepared Allah for them a punishment severe. Indeed, [they] evil is what they used to do.

They take their oaths (as) a cover, so they turn away from (the) Way (of) Allah. Indeed, [they] evil is what they used to do.

sāat   (1)

Indeed, it (is) an evil abode and resting place."

sawin   (1)

O sister (of) Harun! Not was your father a man, evil, and not was your mother unchaste."

And (to) Lut We gave him judgment and knowledge, and We saved him from the town which was doing wicked deeds. Indeed, they were a people evil, defiantly disobedient.

And We helped him from the people who denied Our Signs. Indeed, they were a people evil, so We drowned them all.

sūon   (1)

So they returned with (the) Favor of Allah and Bounty, not touched them any harm. And they followed (the) pleasure (of) Allah, and Allah (is) Possessor (of) Bounty great.

sūin   (5)

If you disclose a good or you conceal it or pardon [of] an evil, then indeed, Allah is Oft-Pardoning, All-Powerful.

Insert your hand in your bosom it will come forth white from without any harm. And draw to yourselves your hand against fear. So these (are) two evidences from your Lord, to Firaun and his chiefs. Indeed, they are a people defiantly disobedient."

And draw near your hand to your side; it will come out white, (from) without any disease (as) a sign another.

(On the) day will find every soul what it did of good - presented, and what it did of evil, it will wish [if] that between itself and between it (evil) (was) a distance great. And warns you Allah (against) Himself, and Allah (is) Most Kind to (His) [the] slaves.

He said, "What (was) your affair when you sought to seduce Yusuf from himself?" They said, Forbid Allah!" Not we know about him any evil." Said (the) wife (of) Aziz, "Now (is) manifest the truth. I sought to seduce him from himself, and indeed, he (is) surely of the truthful.

Those whom - take them in death the Angels (while) wronging themselves, then they would offer the submission, "Not we were doing any evil." Nay, indeed, Allah (is) All-Knower of what you used (to) do.

Except who wrongs then substitutes good after evil, then indeed, I Am Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

And enter your hand into your bosom it will come forth white from without harm. (These are) among nine signs to Firaun and his people. Indeed, they are a people defiantly disobedient."

sūa   (7)

And those who join what has commanded Allah [for it] to be joined, and fear their Lord and are afraid (of) the evil the account,

Then (is) he who will shield with his face (the) worst punishment (on the) Day (of) the Resurrection? And it will be said to the wrongdoers, "Taste what you used to earn."

And when declared your Lord that He would surely send upon them till (the) Day (of) the Resurrection (those) who would afflict them (with) a grievous [the] punishment. Indeed, your Lord (is) surely swift (in) the retribution, but indeed, He (is) surely Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

or you say, "If [that] was revealed to us the Book surely we (would) have been better guided than them. So verily has come to you clear proofs from your Lord and a Guidance and a Mercy. Then who (is) more unjust than (he) who denies [with] (the) Verses (of) Allah, and turns away from them? We will recompense those who turn away from Our Signs (with) an evil punishment because they used to turn away.

And when said Musa to his people, "Remember (the) Favor (of) Allah upon you, when He saved you from (the) people (of) Firaun, they were afflicting you (with) evil torment and were slaughtering your sons and letting live your women. And in that (was) a trial from your Lord great."

And when We saved you from (the) people (of) Firaun who were afflicting you (with) worst (of) torment, they were killing your sons and letting live your women. And in that (was) a trial from your Lord great.

And when We saved you from (the) people (of) Firaun (who were) afflicting you (wit horrible torment, slaughtering your sons and letting live your women. And in that (was) a trial from your Lord great.

sūu   (5)

(The) Day not will benefit the wrongdoers their excuse, and for them (is) the curse and for them (is the) worst home.

For those who responded to their Lord (is) the bliss. And for those who (did) not respond to Him, if that they had whatever (is) in the earth all and like of it with it, surely they would offer ransom with it. Those for them (is) a terrible reckoning, and their abode (is) Hell, and wretched (is) the resting place.

And those who break the Covenant (of) Allah from after contracting it, and sever what has commanded Allah for it to be joined and spread corruption in the earth. Those - for them (is) the curse, and for them (is) an evil home.

Those (are) the ones, for them (is) an evil [the] punishment and they in the Hereafter [they] (will be) the greatest losers.

Indeed, the postponing (is) an increase in the disbelief, are led astray by it those who disbelieve. They make it lawful one year and make it unlawful (another) year, to adjust the number which has made unlawful Allah and making lawful what has made unlawful Allah Is made fair-seeming to them (the) evil (of) their deeds. And Allah (does) not guide the people - the disbelievers.

Then is (he) who - is made fair-seeming to him (the) evil (of) his deed - so that he sees it (as) good? For indeed, Allah lets go astray whom He wills and guides whom He wills. So (let) not go out your soul for them (in) regrets. Indeed, Allah (is) All-Knower of what they do.

(The) ways (to) the heavens so I may look at (the) God (of) Musa; and indeed, I [I] surely think him (to be) a liar." And thus was made fair-seeming to Firaun (the) evil (of) his deed, and he was averted from the way. And not (was the) plot (of) Firaun except in ruin.

Then is (he) who is on a clear proof from his Lord like (he) who, is made attractive to him (the) evil (of) his deeds while they follow their desires.

So protected him Allah (from the) evils that they plotted, and enveloped (the) people (of) Firaun (the) worst punishment,

sūi   (2)

And if (that) those who did wrong (had) whatever (is) in the earth all and (the) like of it with it, they would ransom with it from (the) evil (of) the punishment (on the) Day (of) the Resurrection. And (will) appear to them from Allah what not they had taken into account.

He hides himself from the people (because) of the evil of what he has been given good news about. Should he keep it in humiliation or bury it in the dust? Unquestionably, evil (is) what they decide.

sūan   (3)

Say, "Who (is) it that (can) protect you from Allah If He intends for you any harm or He intends for you a mercy?" And not they will find for them from besides Allah any protector and not any helper.

And whoever does evil or wrongs his soul then seeks forgiveness (of) Allah he will find Allah Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Not by your desire and not (by the) desire (of the) People (of) the Book. Whoever does evil will be recompensed for it and not he will find for him from besides Allah any protector and not any helper.

And when come to you those who believe in Our Verses then say, "Peace (be) upon you. (has) Prescribed your Lord upon Himself the Mercy, that he who does among you evil in ignorance then repents from after it and reforms, then, indeed He (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

And they both raced (to) the door and she tore his shirt from the back, and they both found her husband at the door. She said, "What (is) the recompense (of one) who intended for your wife evil except that he be imprisoned or a punishment painful?"

For him (are) successive (Angels) from (from) between his hands and from behind him, who guard him by (the) Command (of) Allah. Indeed, Allah (does) not change (that) the condition of a people, until they change what (is) in themselves. And when wills Allah for a people misfortune, then (there is) no turning away of it, and not for them from besides Him any protector.

sawātikum   (1)

O Children (of) Adam! Verily We have sent down to you clothing, it covers your shame and (as) an adornment. But the clothing (of) [the] righteousness - that (is) best. That (is) from (the) Signs (of) Allah so that they may remember.

sawātuhumā   (1)

So he made both of them fall by deception. Then when they both tasted the tree, became apparent to both of them their shame, and they began (to) fasten over themselves from (the) leaves (of) the Garden. And called them both their Lord, "Did not I forbid you both from this [the] tree and [I] say to both of you, that [the] Shaitaan (is) to both of you an enemy open?"

Then they both ate from it, so became apparent to them their shame and they began, (to) fasten on themselves from (the) leaves (of) Paradise. And disobeyed Adam his Lord, and erred.

sawātihimā   (1)

Then whispered to both of them the Shaitaan to make apparent to both of them what was concealed from both of them of their shame. And he said, "(Did) not forbid you both your Lord from this [the] tree except that you two become Angels or you two become of the immortals."

O Children (of) Adam! (Let) not tempt you [the] Shaitaan as he drove out your parents from Paradise, stripping from both of them their clothing to show both of them their shame. Indeed, he sees you - he and his tribe from where not you see them. Indeed, We have made the devils friends of those who (do) not believe.

sawata   (1)

Then sent Allah a crow, it (was) scratching in the earth to show him how to hide (the) dead body (of) his brother. He said, "Woe to me! Am I unable that I can be like this [the] crow and hide (the) dead body (of) my brother?" Then he became of the regretful.

Then sent Allah a crow, it (was) scratching in the earth to show him how to hide (the) dead body (of) his brother. He said, "Woe to me! Am I unable that I can be like this [the] crow and hide (the) dead body (of) my brother?" Then he became of the regretful.

sīa   (1)

And when came Our messengers (to) Lut, he was distressed for them and felt straitened for them (and) uneasy, and said, "This (is) a day distressful."

And when [that] came Our messengers (to) Lut he was distressed for them, and felt straitened for them (and) uneasy. And they said, "(Do) not fear and (do) not grieve. Indeed, we (will) save you and your family, except your wife. She (is) of those who remain behind.

sīat   (1)

But when they (will) see it approaching, (will be) distressed (the) faces (of) those who disbelieved, and it will be said, "This (is) that which you used to for it call."

sayyi-an   (1)

And others (who have) acknowledged their sins. They had mixed a deed righteous (with) other (that was) evil. Perhaps Allah [that] will turn (in mercy) to them. Indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

sayyiātu   (3)

And (will) appear to them (the) evil (of) what they did and (will) envelop them what they used [at it] (to) mock.

Then struck them (the) evil (results) (of) what they did, and surrounded them what they used (to) [of it] mock.

And will become apparent to them (the) evils (of) what they earned, and will surround them what they used to [in it] mock.

Then struck them (the) evils (of) what they earned. And those who have wronged of these, will strike them (the) evils (of) what they earned; and not they will be able to escape.

Then struck them (the) evils (of) what they earned. And those who have wronged of these, will strike them (the) evils (of) what they earned; and not they will be able to escape.

sayyiāti   (1)

So protected him Allah (from the) evils that they plotted, and enveloped (the) people (of) Firaun (the) worst punishment,

sayyiātikum   (1)

If you disclose the charities then good it (is). But if you keep it secret and give it (to) the poor, then it (is) better for you. And He will remove from you [of] your evil deeds. And Allah with what you do (is) All-Aware.

If you avoid great (sins) (of) what you are forbidden from [it], We will remove from you your evil deeds and We will admit you (to) an entrance noble.

And certainly took Allah a Covenant (from the) Children (of) Israel and We appointed among them two (and) ten (i.e twelve) leaders. And said Allah, "Indeed, I (am) with you, if you establish the prayer and give the zakah and you believe in My Messengers and you assist them and you loan (to) Allah a loan goodly, surely I will remove from you your evil deeds and I will surely admit you (to) gardens flow from underneath them the rivers. But whoever disbelieved after that among you, then certainly he strayed (from) the way, the right.

O you who believe! If you fear Allah, He will grant you a criterion and will remove from you your evil deeds and forgive you. And Allah Possessor the Bounty, the Great.

O you who believe! Turn to Allah (in) repentance sincere! Perhaps your Lord [that] will remove from you your evil deeds and admit you (into) Gardens flow from underneath it the rivers, (on the) Day not will disgrace Allah the Prophet and those who believed with him. Their light will run (from) between their hands and on their right; they will say, "Our Lord Perfect for us our light and grant forgiveness to us. Indeed, You (are) over every thing All-Powerful."

sayyiātinā   (1)

Our Lord, indeed we [we] heard a caller calling to the faith that "Believe in your Lord," so we have believed. Our Lord so forgive for us our sins and remove from us our evil deeds, and cause us to die with the righteous.

sayyiātihi   (1)

(The) Day He will assemble you for (the) Day (of) the Assembly, that (will be the) Day (of) mutual loss and gain. And whoever believes in Allah and does righteous deeds He will remove from him his evil deeds and He will admit him (to) Gardens flow from underneath it the rivers, abiding therein forever. That (is) the success the great.

That (is the) Command (of) Allah, which He has sent down to you; and whoever fears Allah, He will remove from him his evil deeds and make great for him (his) reward.

sayyiātihim   (3)

And if that (the) People (of) the Book (had) believed and feared (Allah), surely We (would have) removed from them their evil (deeds) and surely We (would have) adm (to) Gardens (of) Bliss.

Then responded to them their Lord, "Indeed, I (will) not (let go) waste deeds (of the) doer among you [from] (whether) male or female each of you from (the) other. So those who emigrated and were driven out from their homes, and were harmed in My way and fought and were killed - surely I (will) remove from them their evil deeds and surely I will admit them (to) Gardens flowing from underneath them the rivers - a reward from [near] Allah. And Allah - with Him (is the) best reward."

Except (he) who repents and believes and does deeds righteous, then (for) those will replace Allah their evil deeds (with) good ones. And is Allah Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

And those who believe and do righteous (deeds), surely, We will remove from them their evil deeds, and We will surely reward them (the) best (of) what they used (to) do.

Those (are) the ones We will accept from them (the) best (of) what they did and We will overlook [from] their evil deeds, among (the) companions (of) Paradise. A promise true which they were promised.

And those who believe and do righteous deeds, and believe in what is revealed to Muhammad, and it (is) the truth from their Lord, He will remove from them their misdeeds, and improve their condition.

That He may admit the believing men and the believing women (to) Gardens flow from underneath them the rivers (to) abide forever therein, and (to) remove from them their misdeeds, and is that with Allah a success great.

sayyi-atan   (2)

Whoever does an evil then not he will be recompensed but (the) like thereof; and whoever does righteous (deeds), of male or female, while he (is) a believer, then those will enter Paradise, they will be given provision in it without account.

Yes, whoever earned evil and surrounded him with his sins - [so] those (are the) companions (of) the Fire; they in it (will) abide forever.

Whoever intercedes - an intercession good, will have for him a share of it; and whoever intercedes - an intercession evil, will have for him a portion of it. And is Allah (is) on every thing a Keeper.

sayyi-atun   (6)

(The) recompense (of) an evil (is) an evil like it. But whoever pardons and makes reconciliation, then his reward (is) on Allah. Indeed, He (does) not like the wrongdoers.

And when We cause to taste (the) people mercy, they rejoice therein. But if afflicts them an evil for what have sent forth their hands, behold! They despair.

Wherever you be will overtake you [the] death even if you are in towers lofty. And if befalls them any good they say, "This (is) from Allah," And if befalls them any evil they say, "This (is) from you." Say, "All (is) from Allah." So what (is wrong) (with) these [the] people, not do they seem (to) understand any statement.

But when came to them the good they said, "For us is this." And if afflicts them bad, they ascribe evil omens to Musa and who (were) with him. Behold! Only their evil omens (are) with Allah but most of them (do) not know.

Then if they turn away, then not We have sent you over them (as) a guardian. Not (is) on you except the conveyance. And indeed, when We cause to taste [the] man from Us Mercy, he rejoices in it. But if befalls them evil, for what have sent forth their hands then indeed, [the] man (is) ungrateful.

If touches you a good, it grieves them and if strikes you misfortune, they rejoice at it. And if you are patient and fear (Allah), not will harm you their plot (in) anything. Indeed, Allah, of what they do (is) All-Encompassing.

sayyi-atin   (3)

(The) recompense (of) an evil (is) an evil like it. But whoever pardons and makes reconciliation, then his reward (is) on Allah. Indeed, He (does) not like the wrongdoers.

And those who earned the evil deeds, (the) recompense (of) an evil deed (is) like it, and (will) cover them humiliation. Not they will have from Allah any defender. As if had been covered their faces (with) pieces from the night (of) darkness Those (are the) companions (of) the Fire, they in it (will) abide forever.

What(ever) befalls you of (the) good (is) from Allah, and whatever befalls you of (the) evil (is) from yourself. And We (have) sent you for the people (as) a Messenger, and sufficient (is) Allah (as) a Witness.

sayyi-uhu   (1)

All that is [its] evil near your Lord, hateful.

fasāa   (4)

And We rained upon them a rain, and evil was (was) the rain (on) those who were warned.

And We rained upon them a rain, and was evil (the) rain (on) those who were warned.

And those who spend their wealth to be seen (by) the people and not they believe in Allah and not in the Day the Last, and whoever has the Shaitaan for him (as) companion - then evil (is he as) a companion.

But when it descends in their territory, then evil (will be) (the) morning (for) those who were warned.

liyasūū   (1)

If you do good, you do good for yourselves; and if you do evil, then it is for it. So when came promise the last, to sadden your faces and to enter the Masjid just as they (had) entered it first time, and to destroy what they had conquered (with) destruction.

wal-sūa   (1)

Then (on) the Day (of) the Resurrection, He will disgrace them and say, "Where (are) My partners those (for) whom you used (to) oppose [in them]?" Will say those who were given the knowledge, "Indeed, the disgrace, this Day and evil (are) upon the disbelievers"

wal-sayiāti   (1)

And We divided them in the earth (as) nations. Among them (are) the righteous and among them (are) other than that. And We tested them with the good and the bad, so that they may return.

wasāa   (2)

And (do) not marry whom married your fathers of the women except what has passed before, indeed it was an immorality and hateful, and (an) evil way.

And (do) not go near adultery. Indeed, it is an immorality and (an) evil way.

Abiding forever in it, and evil for them (on the) Day (of) the Resurrection (as) a load

wasāat   (3)

And say, "The truth (is) from your Lord, so whoever wills - let him believe and whoever wills - let him disbelieve." Indeed, We have prepared for the wrongdoers a Fire, will surround them its walls. And if they call for relief, they will be relieved with water like molten brass, (which) scalds the faces. Wretched (is) the drink, and evil (is) the resting place.

And He (may) punish the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women and the polytheist men and the polytheist women, who assume about Allah an assumption evil. Upon them (is) a turn (of) evil, and wrath Allah upon them and He has cursed them and prepared for them Hell, and evil (is the) destination.

And whoever opposes the Messenger from after what (has) become clear to him (of) the guidance, and he follows other than (the) way (of) the believers, We will turn him (to) what he (has) turned and We will burn him (in) Hell and evil it is (as) a destination.

Indeed, those whom - take them (in death) the Angels (while) they (were) wronging themselves they say, "In what (condition) were you?" They said, "We were oppressed in the Earth They said, "Not was (the) earth (of) Allah spacious (enough) so that you (could) emigrate in it?" Then those (will have) their abode (in) Hell - and it is an evil destination.

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