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س و ع
General Root Meaning
to let run free, pasture freely, be lost.
sa'atun - while, present time, distance, hour, time.
l-sāʿata   (3)

And similarly, We made known about them that they might know that (the) Promise (of) Allah (is) true, and that (about) the Hour (there is) no doubt in it. When they disputed among themselves about their affair and they said, "Construct over them a structure. Their Lord knows best about them." Said those who prevailed in their matter, "Surely we will take over them a place of worship."

Are they waiting except (for) the Hour that it should come on them suddenly while they (do) not perceive?

Then do they wait but (for) the Hour that it should come to them suddenly? But indeed, have come its indications. Then how to them when has come to them their reminder.

And not We created the heavens and the earth and whatever (is) between them except in truth. And indeed, the Hour (is) surely coming. So overlook (with) forgiveness gracious.

And not I think the Hour will occur. And if I am brought back to my Lord, I will surely find better than this (as) a return."

Say, "Whoever is in [the] error, then surely will extend for him the Most Gracious an extension, until when they see what they were promised, either the punishment or the Hour, then they will know who [he] (is) worst (in) position and weaker (in) forces."

Indeed, the Hour (will be) coming. I almost [I] hide it that may be recompensed every soul for what it strives.

And that the Hour will come, (there is) no doubt about it, and that Allah will resurrect (those) who (are) in the graves.

Ask you the people about the Hour. Say, "Only its knowledge (is) with Allah. And what will make you know? Perhaps the Hour is near."

Indeed, the Hour (is) surely coming, no doubt in it, but most (of) the people (do) not believe.

And verily, if We let him taste mercy from Us from after an adversity (has) touched him, he will surely say, "This (is) (due) to me and not I think the Hour (will be) established, and if I am returned to my Lord, indeed, for me with Him (will be) the best." But We will surely inform those who disbelieved about what they did, and We will make them taste of a punishment severe.

Allah (is) the One Who (has) sent down the Book in truth, and the Balance. And what will make you know? Perhaps the Hour (is) near.

l-sāʿatu   (2)

Indeed, incurred loss those who denied in (the) meeting (with) Allah, until when came to them the Hour suddenly they said, "Oh! Our regret over what we neglected concerning it," while they will bear their burdens on their backs. Unquestionably! Evil (is) what they bear.

Say, "Have you seen if (there) came to you punishment (of) Allah or (there) came to you the Hour - is it other than Allah you call, if you are truthful?"

Do they then feel secure (against) that comes to them an overwhelming [of] punishment (of) Allah, or comes to them the Hour suddenly while they (do) not perceive?

And not will cease those who disbelieve (to be) in doubt of it until comes to them the Hour suddenly or comes to them (the) punishment (of) a Day barren.

And (the) Day will (be) established the Hour, will (be in) despair the criminals.

And (the) Day will (be) established the Hour, that Day they will become separated.

And (the) Day will (be) established the Hour will swear the criminals not they remained but an hour. Thus they were deluded.

But say those who disbelieve, "Not will come to us the Hour." Say, "Nay, by my Lord surely it will come to you. (He is the) Knower (of) the unseen." Not escapes from Him (the) weight (of) an atom in the heavens and not in the earth and not smaller than that and not greater, but (is) in a Record Clear.

The Fire; they are exposed to it morning and evening. And (the) Day (will be) established the Hour, "Cause to enter (the) people (of) Firaun (in the) severest punishment."

And for Allah (is the) dominion (of) the heavens and the earth; and (the) Day is established the Hour, that Day will lose the falsifiers.

Has come near the Hour and has split the moon.

Nay, the Hour (is) their promised time, and the Hour (will be) more grievous and more bitter.

And when it was said, "Indeed (the) Promise (of) Allah (is) true and the Hour - (there is) no doubt about it, you said, "Not we know what the Hour (is). Not we think except an assumption, and not we (are) convinced."

l-sāʿati   (2)

And to Allah (belongs) (the) unseen (of) the heavens and the earth. And not (is the) matter (of) the Hour but as a twinkling (of) the eye or it (is) nearer. Indeed, Allah on every thing (is) All-Powerful.

O mankind! Fear your Lord. Indeed, (the) convulsion (of) the Hour (is) a thing great.

Indeed, Allah, with Him (is the) knowledge (of) the Hour and He sends down the rain, and knows what (is) in the wombs. And not knows any soul what it will earn tomorrow, and not knows any soul in what land it will die. Indeed, Allah (is) All-Knower All-Aware.

To Him is referred (the) knowledge (of) the Hour. And not come out any fruits from their coverings, and not bears any female and not gives birth except with His knowledge. And (the) Day He will call them, "Where (are) My partners? They will say, "We announce (to) You, not among us any witness."

And blessed (is) the One Who - to Whom (belongs the) dominion (of) the heavens and the earth and whatever (is) between both of them and with Him (is the) knowledge (of) the Hour, and to Him you will be returned.

They ask you about the Hour, when will be its appointed time? Say, "Only its knowledge (is) with my Lord, no (one) can reveal [it] its time except Him. It lays heavily in the heavens and the earth. Not will it come to you but suddenly." They ask you as if you (were) well informed about it. Say, "Only its knowledge (is) with Allah, but most (of) the people (do) not know."

Those who fear their Lord in the unseen, and they of the Hour (are) afraid.

Ask you the people about the Hour. Say, "Only its knowledge (is) with Allah. And what will make you know? Perhaps the Hour is near."

Seek to hasten [of] it those who (do) not believe in it, and those who believe (are) fearful of it and know that it (is) the truth. Unquestionably, indeed, those who dispute concerning the Hour (are) certainly in error far.

They ask you about the Hour, when (is) its arrival?

bil-sāʿati   (1)

Nay, they deny the Hour and We have prepared for (those) who deny the Hour, a Blazing Fire.

Nay, they deny the Hour and We have prepared for (those) who deny the Hour, a Blazing Fire.

sāʿatan   (2)

Say, "For you (is the) appointment (of) a Day, not you can postpone [of] it (for) an hour, and not (can) you precede (it)."

And for every nation (is a fixed) term. So when comes their term, (they can) not seek to delay an hour, and not seek to advance (it).

And the Day He will gather them, as if not they had remained except an hour of the day, they will recognize each other between them. Certainly, (will have) lost those who denied the meeting (with) Allah, and not they were the guided ones.

Say, "Not I have power for myself (for) any harm and not (for) any profit except what wills Allah. For every nation (is) a term. When comes their term, then not they remain behind an hour, and not they can precede (it)."

And if were to seize Allah the mankind for their wrongdoing not He (would) have left upon it any moving creature, but He defers them for a term appointed. Then when comes their terms not they (will) remain behind an hour and not they can advance (it).

So be patient, as had patience those of determination of the Messengers, and (do) not seek to hasten for them. As if they had, (the) Day they see what they were promised, not remained except an hour of a day. A notification. But will (any) be destroyed except the people - the defiantly disobedient?

sāʿatin   (1)

And (the) Day will (be) established the Hour will swear the criminals not they remained but an hour. Thus they were deluded.

sāʿati   (1)

Verily, turned (in mercy) Allah to the Prophet, and the emigrants, and the helpers [those] who followed him, in (the) hour (of) difficulty from after [what] had nearly deviated (the) hearts (of) a party of them, then He turned (in mercy) to them. Indeed, He to them (is) Most Kind, Most Merciful.

suwāʿan   (1)

And they said, "(Do) not leave your gods, and (do) not leave Wadd and not Suwa and not Yaguth and Yauq and Nasr."

lilssāʿati   (1)

And indeed, it surely (is) a knowledge of the Hour. So (do) not (be) doubtful about it, and follow Me. This (is the) Path Straight.

wal-sāʿatu   (1)

And when it was said, "Indeed (the) Promise (of) Allah (is) true and the Hour - (there is) no doubt about it, you said, "Not we know what the Hour (is). Not we think except an assumption, and not we (are) convinced."

Nay, the Hour (is) their promised time, and the Hour (will be) more grievous and more bitter.

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