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ت م م
General Root Meaning
To be entire/full/whole, blossom, full-grown, complete, perfect, fulfilled, accomplish.
atmim   (1)

O you who believe! Turn to Allah (in) repentance sincere! Perhaps your Lord [that] will remove from you your evil deeds and admit you (into) Gardens flow from underneath it the rivers, (on the) Day not will disgrace Allah the Prophet and those who believed with him. Their light will run (from) between their hands and on their right; they will say, "Our Lord Perfect for us our light and grant forgiveness to us. Indeed, You (are) over every thing All-Powerful."

atmamta   (1)

He said, "Indeed, I [I] wish to marry you to one (of) my daughters (of) these two on that you serve me, (for) eight years; but if you complete ten, then from you. And not I wish to make it difficult for you. You will find me, if wills, Allah of the righteous."

atammahā   (1)

And thus will choose you your Lord and will teach you of (the) interpretation (of) the narratives and complete His Favor on you and on (the) family (of) Yaqub as He completed it on your two forefathers from before - Ibrahim and Ishaq. Indeed, your Lord (is) All-Knower, All-Wise."

atimmū   (1)

Permitted for you (in the) nights (of) fasting (is) the approach to your wives. They (are) garments for you and you (are) garments for them. Knows Allah that you used to deceive yourselves, so He turned towards you and He forgave [on] you. So now have relations with them and seek what has ordained Allah for you. And eat and drink until becomes distinct to you the thread [the] white from the thread [the] black of [the] dawn. Then complete the fast till the night. And (do) not have relations with them while you (are) secluded in the masajid. These (are the) limits (set by) Allah, so (do) not approach them. Thus makes clear Allah His verses for [the] people so that they may (become) righteous.

tamāman   (1)

Moreover We gave Musa the Book, completing (Our Favor) on the one who did good and an explanation of every thing, and a guidance and mercy, so that they may in (the) meeting (with) their Lord believe.

fa-atammahunna   (1)

And when tried Ibrahim his Lord with words and he fulfilled them, He said, "Indeed (am) the One to make you for the mankind a leader." He said, "And from my offspring?" He said, "(Does) not reach My Covenant (to) the wrongdoers."

fa-atimmū   (1)

Except those (with) whom you have a covenant among the polytheists, then not they have failed you (in any) thing and not they have supported against you anyone, so fulfil to them their treaty till their term. Indeed, Allah loves the righteous.

fatamma   (1)

And We appointed (for) Musa thirty nights and We completed them with ten (more), so was completed (the) set term (of) his Lord (of) forty night(s). And said Musa to his brother Harun, "Take my place in my people, and do right and (do) not follow (the) way (of) the corrupters."

mutimmu   (1)

They intend to put out (the) light (of) Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His Light although dislike the disbelievers.

wa-atmamtu   (1)

Are made unlawful on you the dead animals, and the blood, and flesh (of) the swine, and what has been dedicated to other than Allah, [on it], and that which is strangled (t and that which is hit fatally, and that which has a fatal fal and that which is gored by hor and that which ate (it) the wild animal except what you slaughtered, and what is sacrificed on the stone altars, and that you seek division by divining arrows - that (is) grave disobedience. This day (have) despaired those who disbelieved of your religion, so (do) not fear them, but fear Me. This day I have perfected for you your religion and I have completed upon you My Favor and I have approved for you [the] Islam (as) a religion. But whoever (is) forced by hunger (and) not inclining to sin, then indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

wa-atmamnāhā   (1)

And We appointed (for) Musa thirty nights and We completed them with ten (more), so was completed (the) set term (of) his Lord (of) forty night(s). And said Musa to his brother Harun, "Take my place in my people, and do right and (do) not follow (the) way (of) the corrupters."

wa-atimmū   (1)

And complete the Hajj and the Umrah for Allah. And if you are held back then (offer) whatever (can be) obtained with ease of the sacrificial animal. And (do) not shave your heads until reaches the sacrificial animal (to) its destination. Then whoever is among you ill or he (has) an ailment of his head then a ransom of fasting or charity or sacrifice. Then when you are secure then whoever took advantage of the Umrah followed (by) the Hajj, then (offer) whatever (can be) obtained with ease of the sacrificial animal. But whoever (can) not find - then a fast (of) three days during the Hajj and seven (days) when you return. This (is) ten (days) in all. That (is) for (the one) whose, not is his family present (near) Al-Masjid Al-Haraam. And fear Allah and know that Allah (is) severe (in) retribution.

watammat   (3)

And (has been) fulfilled (the) word (of) your Lord (in) truth and justice. No one can change His words, and He (is) the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.

And We made inheritors the people those who were considered weak - (the) eastern (parts) (of) the land and the western (parts) of it, which We blessed [in it]. And was fulfilled (the) word (of) your Lord - the best for (the) Children (of) Israel because they were patient. And We destroyed what used to make Firaun and his people, and what they used to erect.

Except (on) whom has bestowed Mercy your Lord, and for that He created them. And will be fulfilled (the) Word (of) your Lord, "Surely I will fill Hell with the Jinn and the men all together."

wali-utimma   (1)

And from wherever you start forth [so] turn your face (in the) direction (of) Al-Masjid Al-Haraam. And wherever that you (all) are [so] turn your faces (in) its direction, so that not will be for the people against you any argument except those who wronged among them; so (do) not fear them, but fear Me. And that I complete My favor upon you [and] so that you may (be) guided.

waliyutimma   (1)

O you who believe! When you stand up for the prayer, then wash your faces and your hands till the elbows and wipe your heads and your feet till the ankles. But if you are (in) a state of ceremonial imp then purify yourselves. But if you are ill or on a journey or has come anyone of you from the toilet or has (had) contact (with) the women and not you find water, then do (with) earth clean, then wipe your faces and your hands with it. Does Not intend Allah to make for you any difficulty but He intends to purify you and to complete His Favor upon you so that you may (be) grateful.

wayutimma   (1)

That may forgive for you Allah what preceded of your sins and what will follow and complete His favor upon you and guide you (to) a Path Straight,

wayutimmu   (1)

And thus will choose you your Lord and will teach you of (the) interpretation (of) the narratives and complete His Favor on you and on (the) family (of) Yaqub as He completed it on your two forefathers from before - Ibrahim and Ishaq. Indeed, your Lord (is) All-Knower, All-Wise."

yutimma   (2)

And the mothers shall suckle their children (for) two years complete, for whoever wishes to complete the suckling. And upon the father (on) him (is) their provision and their clothing in a fair manner. Not is burdened any soul except its capacity. Not made to suffer (the) mother because of her child and not (the) father (be) because of his child. And on the heirs (is a duty) like that. Then if they both desire weaning through mutual consent of both of them and consultation, then no blame on both of them. And if you want to ask another women to suckle your child then (there is) no blame on you, when you pay what you give in a fair manner. And fear Allah and know that Allah of what you do (is) All-Seer.

They want to extinguish light (of) Allah with their mouths, but refuses Allah except to perfect His Light even if dislike (it) the disbelievers.

yutimmu   (1)

And Allah (has) made for you from what He created, shades and (has) made for you from the mountains, shelters and (has) made for you garments to protect you (from) the heat and garments to protect you from your (mutual) violence. Thus He completes His Favor upon you so that you may submit.

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