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ت ن و ر
General Root Meaning
Spring; ground; face of the earth. Highest part of the earth; place where the water of a valley collects; a circular earthen oven, furnace, fire-place. Shining of dawn.
l-tanūru   (1)

Till when came Our command, and overflowed the oven, We said, "Load in it of every kind a pair two, and your family except who has preceded against him the word, and whoever believed." And not believed with him except a few.

So We inspired to him, "That construct the ship under Our eyes, and Our inspiration, then when comes Our Command and gushes forth the oven, then put into it of every (kind) (of) mates two and your family, except those (has) preceded against whom the Word thereof. And (do) not address Me concerning those who wronged, indeed, they (are) the ones to be drowned.

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