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ى ب س
General Root Meaning
withered, dry, became stiff/rigid/tough/firm/hard, resisting pressure.
yābisin   (1)

And with Him (are the) keys (of) the unseen, no (one) knows them except Him. And He knows what (is) in the land and in the sea. And not falls from any leaf but He knows it. And not a grain in the darkness[es] (of) the earth and not moist and not dry but (is) in a Record Clear.

yābisātin   (1)

And said the king, "Indeed, I [I] have seen seven cows fat, eating them seven lean ones, and seven ears (of corn) green, and others dry. O chiefs! Explain to me about my vision if you can of visions interpret."

Yusuf, O the truthful one! Explain to us about (the) seven cows fat eating them seven lean ones, and seven ears (of corn) green and other dry, that I may return to the people so that they may know."

yabasan   (1)

And verily, We inspired to Musa that, "Travel by night with My slaves and strike for them a path in the sea dry; not fearing to be overtaken and not being afraid."

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