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ى د ى
General Root Meaning
to touch, aid, do good, be beneficent, show power and superiority, a hand. By his agency/means.
With a willing hand, out of hand, having financial ability.
In acknowledgement of the superior power, in ready money and not in the form of deferred payment, considering it as a favour, on account of help, (payment should be made by the hand of the parties themselves without the intervention of a third party and without reluctance.
baina yadaihi - before him, in his presence hit, between his two hands.
ulill aidi - men of power (lit. gifted with hands)
suqaita fi aidihim (idiomatic expression) they repented, the idea seems to be that they hit their fingers in grief and contrition.
Handy, Might, Power, Superiority, Benefit, Possession, Favour, Generosity. The idea behind those expressions is that the use of the hand is the real source of the superiority and power. Under his authority, upper hand, arm, foreleg of a beast, handle of a tool, wing of a bird.
ma qaddamat yada - that is what thou hast deserved.
aydin   (1)

Are for them feet (to) walk with [it], or for them hands (to) hold with [it], or for them eyes (to) see with [it], or for them ears (to) hear with [it]? Say, "Call your partners, then scheme against me and (do) not give me respite."

aydī   (1)

Has appeared the corruption in the land and the sea for what have earned (the) hands (of) people, so that He may let them taste a part (of) that which they have done so that they may return.

aydiya   (1)

and has promised you Allah spoils of war much that you will take it, and He has hastened for you this and has withheld (the) hands (of) the people from you - that it may be a sign for the believers and He may guide you (to the) Path Straight.

aydiyakum   (1)

Have not you seen [towards] those who (when) it was said to them, "Restrain your hands and establish the prayer and give the zakah?" Then when was ordained on them the fighting, then a group of them [they] fear the people as (they) fear Allah or more intense fear, and they said, "Our Lord why have You ordained upon us [the] fighting? Why not You postpone (it for) us to a term, near." Say, "Enjoyment (of) the world (is) little and the Hereafter (is) better for whoever fears (Allah) and not you will be wronged (even as much as) a hair on a

I will surely cut off your hands and your feet of opposite (sides). Then I will surely crucify you all."

He said, "You believe [to] him before [that] I gave permission to you. Indeed, he (is) your chief, the one who taught you the magic. So surely I will cut off your hands and your feet of opposite sides, and surely I will crucify you on (the) trunks (of) date-palms and surely you will know which of us (is) more severe (in) punishment and more lasting."

He said, "You believed in him before [that] I gave permission to you. Indeed, he (is) surely your chief who has taught you the magic, so surely soon you will know. I will surely cut off your hands and your feet of opposite sides, and I will surely crucify you all."

aydīkum   (2)

And when it is said to them, "Fear what (is) between hands and what (is) behind you so that you may receive mercy."

That (is) because (of what) sent forth your hands and that Allah is not unjust to (His) slaves.

O you who believe! Surely will test you Allah through something of the game - can reach it your hands and your spears that may make evident Allah who fears Him in the unseen. And whoever transgressed after that, then for him (is) a punishment painful.

That (is) for what sent forth your hands. And indeed, Allah (is) not unjust to His slaves.

O Prophet! Say to whoever (is) in your hands of the captives, "If knows Allah in your hearts any good, He will give you better than what was taken from you, and He will forgive you. And Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

And whatever befalls you of (the) misfortune, (is because) of what have earned your hands. But He pardons [from] much.

aydīnā   (1)

And not we descend except by (the) Command (of) your Lord. To Him (belongs) what (is) between our hands and what (is) behind us, and what (is) between that. And not is your Lord forgetful

Do not they see that We [We] created for them from what have made Our hands, cattle, then they [for them] (are the) owners?

aydiyahum   (1)

You will find others wishing that they be secure from you and they be secure from their people, Everytime that they are returned to the temptation, they are plunged into it. So if not they withdraw from you and offer to you [the] peace and they restrain their hands, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them. And those - We made for you against them an authority clear.

O you who believe! Remember (the) Favor (of) Allah upon you when determined a people that they stretch towards you their hands, but He restrained their hands from you. And fear Allah. And upon Allah so let put the trust the believers.

O you who believe! Remember (the) Favor (of) Allah upon you when determined a people that they stretch towards you their hands, but He restrained their hands from you. And fear Allah. And upon Allah so let put the trust the believers.

The hypocrite men and the hypocrite women, some of them (are) of others. They enjoin the wrong and forbid what (is) the right, and they close their hands. They forget Allah, so He has forgotten them. Indeed, the hypocrites, they (are) the defiantly disobedient.

But when he saw their hands not reaching to it, he felt unfamiliar of them and felt apprehension from them [a fear]. They said, "(Do) not fear. Indeed, we [we] have been sent to (the) people (of) Lut."

Has not come to you (the) news (of) those who (were) from before you, the people of Nuh, and Aad and Thamud and those who (were) from after them? None knows them except Allah. Came to them their Messengers with clear proofs but they returned their hands in their mouths and they said, "Indeed we [we] disbelieve in what you have been sent with [it], and indeed, we (are) surely in doubt about what you invite us to it suspicious."

And He (is) the One Who withheld their hands from you and your hands from them within Makkah, from after that He gave you victory over them. And is Allah of what you do All-Seer.

If they gain dominance over you, they would be to you enemies and extend against you their hands and their tongues with evil, and they desire that you would disbelieve.

aydīhim   (5)

Then surely, I will come to them from between (their) hands and from behind them and from their right and from their left, and not you will find most of them grateful."

When came to them the Messengers from between (their) hands (before them) and from behind them, (saying) "Do not worship except Allah." They said, "If (had) willed our Lord, surely, He (would have) sent d Angels. So indeed, we in what you have been sent with (are) disbelievers."

And We have destined for them companions (who) made fair-seeming to them, what between (their) hands (before them) and what (was) behind them, and (is) justified against them the Word among nations (that have) indeed passed away from before them of the jinn and the men. Indeed, they were losers.

Allah - (there is) no God except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of all that exis Not overtakes Him slumber [and] not sleep. To Him (belongs) what(ever) (is) in the heavens and what(ever) (is) in the earth. Who (is) the one who can intercede with Him except by His permission. He knows what between hands (before them) and what (is) behind them. And not they encompass anything of His Knowledge except [of] what He willed. Extends His Throne (to) the heavens and the earth. And not tires Him (the) guarding of both of them And He (is) the Most High, the Most Great.

So woe to those who write the book with their (own) hands then, they say, "This (is) from Allah," to barter with it (for) a price little. So woe to them for what have written their hands and woe to them for what they earn.

And never (will) they wish for it, ever, because (of what) sent ahead their hands. And Allah (is) All-Knower of the wrongdoers.

So how when befalls them disaster for what sent forth their hands then they come to you swearing by Allah, "Not we intended except good and reconciliation."

Only (the) recompense (for) those who wage war (against) Allah and His Messenger and strive in the earth spreading corruption (is) that they be killed or they be crucified or be cut off their hands and their feet of opposite sides or they be exiled from the land. That (is) for them disgrace in the world and for them in the Hereafter (is) a punishment great.

And said the Jews, "Hand Allah's (is) chained." Are chained their hands, and they have been cursed for what they said. Nay, His Hands (are) stretched out He spends how He wills. And surely increase many of them, what has been revealed to you from your Lord, (in) rebellion and disbelief. And We have cast among them [the] enmity and [the] hatred till (the) Day (of) the Resurrection. Every time they kindled (the) fire of [the] war, extinguished it Allah. And they strive in the earth spreading corruption. And Allah (does) not love the corrupters.

And when (it was made to) fall into their hands and they saw that they (had) indeed gone astray, they said, "If not has Mercy on us Our Lord, and forgive [for] us, we will surely be among the losers."

He knows what (is) between their hands and what (is) behind them, while not they encompass it (in) knowledge.

He knows what (is) between their hands and what (is) behind them, and not they (can) intercede except for whom He approves. And they, from fear of Him, stand in awe.

He knows what (is) between their hands and what (is) after them. And to Allah return all the matters.

And if not [that] struck them a disaster for what had sent forth their hands and they would say, "Our Lord! Why not You sent to us a Messenger so we (could have) followed Your Verses and we (would) have been of the believers?"

And when We cause to taste (the) people mercy, they rejoice therein. But if afflicts them an evil for what have sent forth their hands, behold! They despair.

Then, do not they see towards what (is) between their hands and what (is) behind them of the heaven and the earth? If We will We (could) cause to swallow them the earth or cause to fall upon them fragments from the sky. Indeed, in that surely, is a Sign for every slave who turns (to Allah).

And We have made from (from) between their hands a barrier and from behind them a barrier. and We covered them, so they (do) not see.

That they may eat of its fruit. And not made it their hands. So will not they be grateful?

This Day We will seal [on] their mouths, and will speak to Us their hands, and will bear witness their feet about what they used to earn.

Then if they turn away, then not We have sent you over them (as) a guardian. Not (is) on you except the conveyance. And indeed, when We cause to taste [the] man from Us Mercy, he rejoices in it. But if befalls them evil, for what have sent forth their hands then indeed, [the] man (is) ungrateful.

Indeed, those who pledge allegiance to you only they pledge allegiance (to) Allah. (The) Hand (of) Allah (is) over their hands. Then whoever breaks (his oath) then only he breaks against himself, and whoever fulfils what he has covenanted (with) Allah soon He will give him a reward great.

(On the) Day you will see the believing men and the believing women, running, their light (from) between their hands and on their right, "Glad tidings for you this Day - gardens flowing from underneath it the rivers, abiding forever therein. That [it] (is) the success the great."

But not they will wish for it, ever, for what (have) sent forth their hands. And Allah (is) All-Knowing of the wrongdoers.

O you who believe! Turn to Allah (in) repentance sincere! Perhaps your Lord [that] will remove from you your evil deeds and admit you (into) Gardens flow from underneath it the rivers, (on the) Day not will disgrace Allah the Prophet and those who believed with him. Their light will run (from) between their hands and on their right; they will say, "Our Lord Perfect for us our light and grant forgiveness to us. Indeed, You (are) over every thing All-Powerful."

And who (is) more unjust than (one) who invents about Allah a lie or said, "It has been inspired to me" while not it was inspired to him anything, and (one) who said, "I will reveal like what has revealed Allah." And if you (could) see when the wrongdoers (are) in agonies (of) [the] death while the Angels (are) stretching out their hands (saying), "Discharge your souls! Today you will be recompensed (with) punishment humiliating because you used to say against Allah other than the truth and you were towards His Verses being arrogant."

aydiyahumā   (1)

And (for) the male thief and the female thief - [then] cut off their hands (as) a recompense for what they earned (as) an exemplary (punishment) from Allah. And Allah (is) All-Mighty, All-Wise.

aydiyahunna   (1)

So when she heard of their scheming, she sent for them and she prepared for them a banquet and she gave each one of them a knife and she said, "Come out before them." Then when they saw him they greatly admired him, and cut their hands, they said, "Forbid Allah, not (is) this a man not (is) this but an angel noble."

And said the king, "Bring to me him." But when came to him the messenger, he said, "Return to your lord, and ask him what (is the) case (of) the women who cut their hands. Indeed, my Lord of their plot (is) All-Knower."

aydīhinna   (1)

O Prophet! When come to you the believing women pledging to you [on] that not they will associate with Allah anything, and not they will steal, and not they will commit adultery, and not they will kill their children, and not they bring slander, they invent it between their hands and their feet, and not they will disobey you in (the) right, then accept their pledge and ask forgiveness for them (from) Allah. Indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

l-aydī   (1)

And remember Our slaves Ibrahim and Ishaq and Yaqub, possessors (of) strength and vision.

bi-aydī   (1)

In (the) hands (of) scribes.

bi-aydīkum   (2)

And spend in (the) way (of) Allah and (do) not throw (ourselves) [with your hands] into [the] destruction. And do good; indeed, Allah loves the good-doers.

Fight them - will punish them Allah by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them, and will heal (the) breasts (of) a people (who are) believers.

bi-aydīnā   (1)

Say, "Do you await for us except one (of) the two best (things) while we [we] await for you that will afflict you Allah with a punishment from [near] Him, or by our hands? So wait, indeed, we with you (are) waiting."

bi-aydīhim   (2)

So woe to those who write the book with their (own) hands then, they say, "This (is) from Allah," to barter with it (for) a price little. So woe to them for what have written their hands and woe to them for what they earn.

And (even) if We (had) sent down to you a written Scripture in a parchment and they touched it with their hands, surely (would) have said those who disbelieved, "Not (is) this but magic clear."

He (is) the One Who expelled those who disbelieved from (the) People (of) the Scripture from their homes at (the) first gathering. Not you think that they would leave, and they thought that [they] would defend them their fortresses against Allah. But came to them Allah from where not they expected, and He cast into their hearts [the] terror, they destroyed their houses with their hands and the hands (of) the believers. So take a lesson, O those endowed (with) insight!

biyadi   (2)

So that may know (the) People (of) the Book that not they have power over anything from (the) Bounty (of) Allah, and that the Bounty (is) in Hand Allah; He gives it whom He wills. And Allah (is) the Possessor (of) Bounty, the Great.

And (do) not believe except (the one) who follows your religion." Say, "Indeed the (true) guidance (is the) Guidance (of) Allah - lest is given (to) one - (the) like (of) what was given to you or they may argue with you near your Lord." Say, "Indeed, the Bounty (is) in the Hand (of) Allah. He gives it (to) whom He wills, and Allah (is) All-Encompassing, All-Knowing."

biyadika   (1)

Say "O Allah! Owner (of) the Dominion, You give the dominion (to) whom You will and You take away the dominion from whom You will, and You honor whom You will, and You humiliate whom You will. In Your hand (is all) the good. Indeed, You (are) on every thing All-Powerful.

"And take in your hand a bunch and strike with it and (do) not break (your) oath." Indeed, We [We] found him patient, an excellent slave. Indeed, he repeatedly turned.

biyadihi   (4)

Then when set out Talut with the forces he said, "Indeed, Allah will test you with a river. So whoever drinks from it then he is not from me, and whoever (does) not taste it then indeed, he (is) from me except whoever takes (in the) hollow (of) his hand." Then they drank from it except a few of them. Then when he crossed it, he and those who believed with him, they said, "No strength for us today against Jalut and his troops." Said those who were certain that they (would) meet Allah, "How many of a company small overcame a company large by (the) permission (of) Allah. And Allah (is) with the patient ones."

So glory be (to) the One who in Whose hand is (the) dominion (of) all things, and to Him you will be returned.

Blessed is He in Whose Hand (is) the Dominion, and He (is) over every thing All-Powerful.

Say, Who is (it) in Whose Hand(s) (is the) dominion (of) all things, and He protects and no (one) (can) be protected against Him, If you know?"

And if you divorce them from before [that] you (have) touched them while already you have specified for them an obligation (dower), then (give) half (of) what you have specified, unless [that] they (women) forgo (it) or forgoes the one in whose hands (is the) knot (of) the marriage. And that you forgo, (is) nearer to [the] righteousness. And (do) not forget the graciousness among you. Indeed, Allah of what you do (is) All-Seer.

biyadayya   (1)

He said, "O Iblis! What prevented you that you (should) prostrate to (one) whom I created with My Hands? Are you arrogant or are you of the exalted ones."

wa-aydī   (1)

He (is) the One Who expelled those who disbelieved from (the) People (of) the Scripture from their homes at (the) first gathering. Not you think that they would leave, and they thought that [they] would defend them their fortresses against Allah. But came to them Allah from where not they expected, and He cast into their hearts [the] terror, they destroyed their houses with their hands and the hands (of) the believers. So take a lesson, O those endowed (with) insight!

wa-aydiyakum   (1)

O you who believe! When you stand up for the prayer, then wash your faces and your hands till the elbows and wipe your heads and your feet till the ankles. But if you are (in) a state of ceremonial imp then purify yourselves. But if you are ill or on a journey or has come anyone of you from the toilet or has (had) contact (with) the women and not you find water, then do (with) earth clean, then wipe your faces and your hands with it. Does Not intend Allah to make for you any difficulty but He intends to purify you and to complete His Favor upon you so that you may (be) grateful.

And He (is) the One Who withheld their hands from you and your hands from them within Makkah, from after that He gave you victory over them. And is Allah of what you do All-Seer.

wa-aydīkum   (1)

O you who believe[d]! (Do) not go near the prayer while you (are) intoxicated until you know what you are saying and not (when you are) impure except (when) passing (through) a way until you have bathed. And if you are ill or on a journey or came one of you from the toilet, or you have touched the women and not you find water, then do tayammum (with) earth clean and wipe (with it) your faces and your hands. Indeed, Allah is Oft-Pardoning, Oft-Forgiving.

O you who believe! When you stand up for the prayer, then wash your faces and your hands till the elbows and wipe your heads and your feet till the ankles. But if you are (in) a state of ceremonial imp then purify yourselves. But if you are ill or on a journey or has come anyone of you from the toilet or has (had) contact (with) the women and not you find water, then do (with) earth clean, then wipe your faces and your hands with it. Does Not intend Allah to make for you any difficulty but He intends to purify you and to complete His Favor upon you so that you may (be) grateful.

wa-aydīhim   (1)

(On a) Day, will bear witness against them their tongues, and their hands and their feet for what they used (to) do.

yadin   (1)

Fight those who (do) not believe in Allah and not in the Day the Last, and not they make unlawful what has made unlawful Allah and His Messenger, and not they acknowledge (the) religion (of) the truth, from those who were given the Scripture, until they pay the reparation (from) willingly, while they (are) subdued.

yadu   (2)

Indeed, those who pledge allegiance to you only they pledge allegiance (to) Allah. (The) Hand (of) Allah (is) over their hands. Then whoever breaks (his oath) then only he breaks against himself, and whoever fulfils what he has covenanted (with) Allah soon He will give him a reward great.

And said the Jews, "Hand Allah's (is) chained." Are chained their hands, and they have been cursed for what they said. Nay, His Hands (are) stretched out He spends how He wills. And surely increase many of them, what has been revealed to you from your Lord, (in) rebellion and disbelief. And We have cast among them [the] enmity and [the] hatred till (the) Day (of) the Resurrection. Every time they kindled (the) fire of [the] war, extinguished it Allah. And they strive in the earth spreading corruption. And Allah (does) not love the corrupters.

yadā   (1)

Perish (the) hands (of) Abu Lahab and perish he.

yadāka   (1)

That (is) for what have sent forth your hands, and that Allah is not unjust to His slaves.

yadāhu   (1)

And said the Jews, "Hand Allah's (is) chained." Are chained their hands, and they have been cursed for what they said. Nay, His Hands (are) stretched out He spends how He wills. And surely increase many of them, what has been revealed to you from your Lord, (in) rebellion and disbelief. And We have cast among them [the] enmity and [the] hatred till (the) Day (of) the Resurrection. Every time they kindled (the) fire of [the] war, extinguished it Allah. And they strive in the earth spreading corruption. And Allah (does) not love the corrupters.

And who (is) more wrong than (he) who is reminded of the Verses (of) his Lord, but turns away from them, and forgets what have sent forth his hands? Indeed, We [We] have placed over their hearts coverings, lest they understand it and in their ears (is) deafness. And if you call them to the guidance, then never they will be guided then ever.

Indeed We [We] have warned you (of) a punishment near (the) Day will see the man what have sent forth his hands and will say the disbeliever, "O I wish! I were dust!"

yadaka   (1)

If you stretch towards me your hand to kill me, not I will stretch my hand towards you to kill you, indeed I fear Allah (the) Lord (of) the worlds."

And (do) not make your hand chained to your neck, and not extend it (to its) utmost reach, so that you sit blameworthy, insolvent.

And draw near your hand to your side; it will come out white, (from) without any disease (as) a sign another.

And enter your hand into your bosom it will come forth white from without harm. (These are) among nine signs to Firaun and his people. Indeed, they are a people defiantly disobedient."

Insert your hand in your bosom it will come forth white from without any harm. And draw to yourselves your hand against fear. So these (are) two evidences from your Lord, to Firaun and his chiefs. Indeed, they are a people defiantly disobedient."

yadahu   (1)

And he drew out his hand and suddenly it (was) white for the observers.

Or (is) like (the) darkness[es] in a sea deep, covers it a wave, (from) on it a wave, (from) on it a cloud, darkness[es] some of it on others. When he puts out his hand not hardly he (can) see it. And (for) whom not (has) made Allah for him a light, then not for him (is) any light.

And he drew out his hand and behold! It (was) white for the observers.

yadayi   (1)

O you who believe! (Do) not put (yourselves) forward - (from) between his hands Allah and His Messenger and fear Allah. Indeed, Allah (is) All-Hearer, All-Knower.

yaday   (4)

And He (is) the One Who sends the winds (as) glad tidings (from) between (hands) His Mercy, and We send down from the sky water pure.

Or Who, guides you in (the) darkness[es] (of) the land and the sea and Who sends the winds (as) glad tidings (from) between (hands) His Mercy? Is there any god with Allah? High is Allah above what they associate (with Him).

And He (is) the One Who sends the winds (as) glad tidings between (his) mercy Mercy, until, when they have carried clouds - heavy, We drive them to a land dead then We send down from it the water then We bring forth from it of all (kinds) [the] fruits. Thus We will bring forth the dead so that you may take heed.

Say, "Only I advise you for one (thing), that you stand for Allah (in) pairs and (as) individuals, then reflect." Not (is in) your companion any madness. Not he (is) except a warner for you between (your) hands a punishment severe."

O you who believe! When you privately consult the Messenger, then offer (from) between hands your private consultation, charity. That (is) better for you and purer. But if not you find, then indeed, Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Are you afraid to offer (from) between hands your private consultation charities? Then when not you do and has forgiven Allah you, then establish the prayer and give the zakah, and obey Allah and His Messenger. And Allah (is) All-Aware of what you do.

yadiya   (1)

If you stretch towards me your hand to kill me, not I will stretch my hand towards you to kill you, indeed I fear Allah (the) Lord (of) the worlds."

yadayhi   (5)

And to Sulaiman, the wind - its morning course (was) a month and its afternoon course (was) a month, and We caused to flow for him a spring (of) molten copper. And [of] the jinn who worked between (his) hands by the permission (of) his Lord. And whoever deviated among them from Our Command, We will make him taste of (the) punishment (of) the Blaze.

And mention (the) brother (of) Aad, when he warned his people in the - and had already passed away [the] warners from between (his) hands and from after him, "That not you worship except Allah. Indeed, I [I] fear for you a punishment (of) a Day Great."

They said, "O our people! Indeed, we [we] have heard a Book revealed from after Musa confirming what between (his) hands guiding to the truth and to a Path Straight.

He revealed to you the Book in [the] truth confirming that which between hands and He revealed the Taurat and the Injeel,

Except whom He has approved of a Messenger, and indeed, He makes to march from (from) between hands and from behind him a guard,

Say, "Whoever is an enemy to Jibreel - then indeed he brought it down on your heart by (the) permission (of) Allah confirming what between hands (before it) and a guidance and glad tiding(s) for the believers."

And say those who disbelieve, "Never will we believe in this Quran and not in (that) which between hands (before it) But if you (could) see when the wrongdoers will be made to stand before their Lord, will throw back some of them to others the word. Will say those who were oppressed to those who were arrogant, "If not (for) you certainly we (would) have been believers."

And We sent on their footsteps Isa, son (of) Maryam, confirming what (was) between his hands of the Taurat, and We gave him the Injeel, in it (was) Guidance and light and confirming what (was) between his hands of the Taurat and a Guidance and an admonition for the God conscious.

And We sent on their footsteps Isa, son (of) Maryam, confirming what (was) between his hands of the Taurat, and We gave him the Injeel, in it (was) Guidance and light and confirming what (was) between his hands of the Taurat and a Guidance and an admonition for the God conscious.

And We revealed to you the Book in [the] truth, confirming what (was) between his hands of the Book and a guardian over it. So judge between them by what has revealed Allah, and (do) not follow their vain desires when has come to you of the truth. For each We have made for you a law and a clear way. And if (had) willed Allah He (would have) made you a community one, [and] but to test you in what He (has) given you, so race (to) the good. To Allah you will return all. then He will inform you of what you were concerning it differing.

And this (is) a Book, We have revealed it, blessed, confirming which (from) between his hands, so that you may warn (the) mother (of) the cities and who (are) around it. And those who believe in the Hereafter, they believe in it, and they, over their prayers (are) guarding.

And not is this the Quran, that (it could be) produced by other than Allah, but (it is) a confirmation (of that) which (from) between his hands and a detailed explanation (of) the Book, (there is) no doubt in it, from (the) Lord (of) the worlds.

Verily, (there) is in their stories a lesson for men (of) understanding. Not (it) is a narration invented, but a confirmation (of that) which (from) between his hands and a detailed explanation (of) all things, and a guidance and mercy for a people who believe.

For him (are) successive (Angels) from (from) between his hands and from behind him, who guard him by (the) Command (of) Allah. Indeed, Allah (does) not change (that) the condition of a people, until they change what (is) in themselves. And when wills Allah for a people misfortune, then (there is) no turning away of it, and not for them from besides Him any protector.

And (the) Day will bite the wrongdoer [on] his hands, he will say, "O I wish! I had taken with the Messenger a way.

Not comes to it the falsehood from (from) between his hands and not from behind it. A Revelation from (the) All-Wise, (the) Praiseworthy.

And (that) which We have revealed to you of the Book, it (is) the truth confirming what (was) (from) between your hands. Indeed, Allah of His slaves surely, (is) All-Aware, All-Seer.

yadayhā   (1)

So We made it a deterrent punishment for those between (in front) Hands (of them) and those after them and an admonition for those who fear (Allah).

yadayya   (1)

And confirming that which between hands of the Taurat, and so that I make lawful for you some (of) that which was forbidden to you. And I (have) come to you with a sign from your Lord. So fear Allah and obey me.

And when said Isa, son (of) Maryam, "O Children (of) Israel! Indeed, I am (the) Messenger (of) Allah to you, confirming that which (from) between hands of the Taurat and bringing glad tidings (of) a Messenger to come from after me, whose name (will be) Ahmad." But when he came to them with clear proofs, they said, "This (is) a magic clear."

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