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و ص ل
General Root Meaning
attain, reach, connect, apply, make close, to come/deliver/convey, to continue, union (of companions/friends/lovers).
Yasilu (imp. 3rd. p. m. sing.): He goes, reaches.
Tasilu (imp. 3rd. p. f. sing.): She goes; reaches.
Yasluuna (imp. 3rd. p. m. plu.): They jom.
Yuusalu (pip. 3rd p. m. sing.): Is to be joined.
Wassalnaa (prf. 1st. p. plu. II): We have caused to reach, have been sending uninterrupted.
Wasiilatun (n.) Certain kinds of cattle (marked out by superstition and set aside from the use). Certain categories of domestic animals (which the pre-Islamic Arabs used to dedicate to their various deities by prohibiting their use or slaughter), selected mainly on the bases of their number of offspring and the sex and sequence of the offspring (5:103 ).
taṣilu   (1)

But when he saw their hands not reaching to it, he felt unfamiliar of them and felt apprehension from them [a fear]. They said, "(Do) not fear. Indeed, we [we] have been sent to (the) people (of) Lut."

waṣṣalnā   (1)

And indeed, We have conveyed to them the Word so that they may remember.

waṣīlatin   (1)

not has made Allah of a Bahirah and not a Saibah and not a Wasilah and not a Hami. [And] but those who disbelieved they invent against Allah the lie, and most of them (do) not use reason.

yaṣilu   (2)

And they assign to Allah out of what He produced of the crops and the cattle a share and they say, "This (is) for Allah," by their claim, "And this (is) for our partners." But what is for their partners (does) not reach [to] Allah, while what is for Allah then it reaches [to] their partners. Evil (is) what they judge.

And they assign to Allah out of what He produced of the crops and the cattle a share and they say, "This (is) for Allah," by their claim, "And this (is) for our partners." But what is for their partners (does) not reach [to] Allah, while what is for Allah then it reaches [to] their partners. Evil (is) what they judge.

yaṣilū   (1)

They said, "O Lut! Indeed, we (are) messengers (of) your Lord, never they will reach you. So travel with your family in a part of the night and (let) not look back anyone of you, except your wife. Indeed, it will strike her what will strike them. Indeed, their appointed time (is) morning. Is not the morning near?"

yaṣilūna   (2)

Except those who join [to] a group between you and between them (is) a treaty or those who come to you restraining their hearts that they fight you or they fight their people. And if (had) willed Allah, surely He (would have) given t over you, and surely they (would have) f So if they withdraw from you and (do) not fight against you and offer to you [the] peace then not (has) made Allah for you against them a way.

And those who join what has commanded Allah [for it] to be joined, and fear their Lord and are afraid (of) the evil the account,

He said, "We will strengthen your arm through your brother and We will make for both of you an authority, so not they will reach to both of you. Through Our Signs you two and (those) who follow you, (will) be the dominant."

yūṣala   (1)

Those who break (the) Covenant (of) Allah from after its ratification, and [they] cut what has ordered Allah it to be joined and [they] spread corruption in the earth. Those, they (are) the losers.

And those who join what has commanded Allah [for it] to be joined, and fear their Lord and are afraid (of) the evil the account,

And those who break the Covenant (of) Allah from after contracting it, and sever what has commanded Allah for it to be joined and spread corruption in the earth. Those - for them (is) the curse, and for them (is) an evil home.

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